Second of all, i went with my whole family, my mom and dad are separated, but we all met in Charles de Gaulle airport! Before i only went with my mom or my dad. But now with them and my bro!!!!
The third reason i found it special, was that i stayed in the Disneyland Hotel, that was really nice.

We went on the first day in the DisneyLand park, doing general rides, the shorter que ones, like 'Its a small world' (i know im sad, but it wasn't that bad), and the frontier-land ones. I made a coulpe of friends in the hotel and some time with thm in the park, mostly riding Indiana Jones: Backward and Big Thunder Mountain!
Then in the evening we went to the disney village and saw the 'Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show', which was soooo amazing. (can't tell u about qust in case u havent bin), but u get free food and watch cowboys ride around in a dark stadium, u are split up in to 4 teams, and u chear for ur team, and u get a free cowboy hat. The food was nice, chilly con Carne was soo good, and it was the first time i ate it! Then of course, and mothers do, shop!
On the second day, as there was less ppl, we went half the day in the Disneyland park, (and doing all the restaurants), and the oter half in the Disney Studios park. The disney studios were kinda boring exept the 'Arosmith's rock and Roll rollercoaster', and this really cool car stunt show! THe backlot tour was pretty disapointing, (every bin to the one in callifornia?, 10000X better), only 2 majot things to see, one from 'Reigh of fire' and a earthquake one.
On the third day, we really intensly went on the long que'd coasters in disneyland park, like space mountain and Big Thunder, now only about 30 ppl in each que! Kinda cool place, and in the evening we wenh eating in the 'rainforest cafe, wich was totaly cool!
The hotel, and the room was really nice, we ate with goofy for breakfast, (he's out favorite)(other ppl with other characters). There was a pool, which was nice and big, and lots of gardens, the staff were friendly.
In total rides rode:
Indiana Jones: bw - 11 times, (felt sick)
Space mountain - 8 times, (felt really sick)
Big Thunder Mountanin - 9 times, (u can guess, 'hold on a sec......)[xx(]
Small world - 3 times, (in mind only once)
Pirates of the Carabein - 6 times, (my favorite)
And lots of otheres!!!