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Djurs Sommerland trip report!!! (WITH PICS)

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Post October 14th, 2014, 5:04 pm
afro85 User avatar
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Today I had a fun and relaxing time with my nephew and nieces at Djurs Sommerland and I'd like to share with you my first experience at the park! I'll start by describing the park as a whole then I'll write some thoughts about each ride!

The park.

D.S. is situated in north denmark near the sea between dk and swe, one hour drive from the city of Randers. It is hided in the forest so you can't see anything from outside but when you get close to the entrance the first thing you'll notice is the first drop and first airtime hills of the beautiful piraten!
The ticket price is around 33 euro so I'd say it's average for European parks.
The park is packed with a crazy amounts of attraction and fun things to do for example you can take a cart/bike to tour around or you can also take a canoe to go around the lake ( without paying any extra). It's a perfect place for families and is a tradition here in the summer to go with the family, bring your own food and have a nice BBQ. Around the park you'll find many green areas with tables and grills to cook your food!
What I liked the most was the map layout because you can just walk around and there is always something cool to ride! Not like other parks where the big attractions are at the opposite side of the park and you waste a lot of energy by just walking back and forth. (for example Alton towers) Another cool fact is that the kids area is right in the middle so there is more room for adults to walk and enjoy the nice rides all around. The park is huge and they also have a really nice water park connected at the opposite side from the entrance.
The only "bad" thing that I could think of is that they started building coasters not long time ago and it's expanding fast every year but they still haven't built something that puts you upside-down yet. So no inversions whatsoever for the visitors but plenty of extra game and stuff that you don't usually see in other amusement parks.

The rides.
There are 4 roller coasters one better than the other and they stand out for originality and uniqueness.
Piraten is an unbelievable airtime machine of twisted intamin steel. Amazing 30 seconds of ride starting with a very fast cable lift that drops you at 90km/h into the most powerful banked turn of the ride (around 80 degrees). A couple of time I've almost blacked out. Then a series of crazy-turning airtime hills that will make you scream till you reach the final brake. It's a bit short but it doesn't let go for a single moment! Great and original compact ride absolutely the best they have in the park.
If you keep walking, next you'll find Skatte??????en the north Europe largest water coaster with a top speed of 70km/h and a fun and enjoyable layout. After the lift there is a small drop curve that goes into the first mcbr that doesn't take out much speed, then you drop into a second much large curves into the second mcbr , again keeping a good speed there is the last steep drop that goes "underground" into a rocky tunnel than up again for some nice airtime between the rocks and waterfalls finishing into the water for a crazy and scary splash!!! The pirate theming was really nice and fitted well! (much better coaster than divertical in mirabilandia where the only fun part is the elevator lift)
Next was Juvelen the youngest attraction built by intamin in 2014. One thing about this coaster is that there is nothing similar anywhere in the world. It runs 2 trains with a capacity of 18 people each and the seats are quad bikes with a c shaped restraint that keeps you from falling to the side and a nice handlebar in front of you for the hands. Also you can't really move your feet around, they stay in a cavity also for safety. It's cool and everything but if you have long legs it might be a problem for comfort.
This is a coaster for everybody so there isn't much airtime and it's probably 10 m tall but it has 2 launches (the second is faster) that shoots you into some crazy and tight curves around an original layout mainly close to the ground and the water. The only problem is that the turns are so fast that if you keep you head parallel to the ground (that is the normal instinct to do that) you'll end up with a big pain at your back. Longest coaster in dk, very funny and unexpectedly fast! Second best ride imo.
Thor's hammer is a bobsled/mouse coaster (whatever it's called) but not the like the usual ones with a basic layout with 180 deg curves and boring drops, this one has a good mix of nice drops, fast 180 deg curves and some incredibly smooth banked helices. The lift was supported by a wooden structure (strange but functional and good for the theming) the layout was quite long where you could never guess what element was next! When I thought it was finished there was another nice helix behind the threes really close to the lake's water and a couple of drops and airtime hills before it stopped! Too bad that was quite busy and I rode it only once!
That's my review of the coasters, of course there was much more like the log flume and the Rio kind of water rides also some cool flat rides but I'm not really an expert nor a fan but the theming for them was also very cool and appropriate for the park!
One thing worth the mentions was the haunted house. A special Halloween event that made us walking into this school of witches with a kind of 3d glasses and there were actors that talked us through. Not really scary but when they turn some lights off everything was fluo colored and the prospective was really mind tricking!
I tried to take some pics but even if it didn't rain all day there was a grey sky with the weirdest light so almost none of my pics looked good, maybe I'll try to improve some pics and post them here later.
I hope you liked my reviews and sorry for my rough english. I'm planning to do more trip like this in the future... Maybe my dream to visit liseberg will became reality in not so long time! Finger crossed!

Pics update!
Last edited by afro85 on October 23rd, 2014, 3:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post October 14th, 2014, 5:26 pm
Paradox User avatar

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Will you be travelling to Farup Sommerland as well?
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post October 15th, 2014, 1:30 am
afro85 User avatar
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Not yet, but I'm planning to do it 'cause It has been a long time since my last ride on a big ol' woodie!

Post October 15th, 2014, 4:24 pm
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Post October 17th, 2014, 8:12 pm

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I always like reading well-detailed park reports about European parks, as they have mixed cultures from other regions such as Asia, Middle East, and Africa! The report like one afro85 wrote should be appreciated! :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

afro85 User avatar
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A bit late but the pics are uploaded after the review!

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Did you ride the Topple Tower? There are only like 2 left in the world.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

afro85 User avatar
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Yeah but it didn't work properly, the seats were rotating when it was going up but then it stop rotate and the tower was just dangling around... It was a bit ridiculous, my nephew said that it had some problem and issues since it opened!

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Looks like a beautiful little park! I never see much outside of pictures of the megalite, so it was refreshing to see the log flumes and such. Thank you for posting these pics and the trip report.

Also I'm going to tell you what I told most of the international workers at Cedar Point who doubted their english occasionally. You read and write in English better than a good chunk of native speakers in the USA, so don't doubt yourself so much. Your trip report was easy to understand.

Does the water coaster completely drench you or does it just get you a bit damp?
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

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Gonna be honest afro, had no idea you weren't a native English speaker till I read this post.

I can tell longevity is not your strong point and neither is it any one else's, but you do a perfect job with the 1 or 2 sentence replies on the forums.

Nice job!

afro85 User avatar
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Thank you guys for the great feedback!
This was my longest article written in English and I feel it's a big achievement for me to to hear that was good from you native English speakers! I believe that many hours spent watching American tv series and movies wasn't such a waste of time! Also thanks to the auto-correct function on my phone! ;)

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
Does the water coaster completely drench you or does it just get you a bit damp?

After riding 2 among the best water coasters in the world, this one and Divertical, I'm honesty disappointed!!! The only thing that keeps those ride interesting is the fear of getting completely wet and the size of the track... Not enough for a coaster enthusiast like me! Doesn't matter how tall they can get if the drop is completely forceless and the airtime you get is ridiculous...
This one at Djurs Sommerland at least was really well themed and the drop was a little steeper than divertical (world tallest and lamest) So yeah, don't get over-excited If your home park will buy one of these expensive and massive monsters even if they claim to be a record breaker!

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Afro85: The system for uploaded photos is marvelous! Clickable Slideshow for this long trip report, amazed me! Thanks for updating! 8-)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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TTD03 User avatar
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lol240 wrote:
Afro85: The system for uploaded photos is marvelous! Clickable Slideshow for this long trip report, amazed me! Thanks for updating! 8-)

You can thank Oscar for that feature incorporated into the site :P

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