never, the only thing i plan ahead is the theme of the ride, like the sort of feel i want to get from it, and also i look at where the current end of my track resides and what choice of elements i have to put in.
it is usualy sometimes. Like when i'm at school, I'd create a drawing of it. But when i'm home and already sitting behind my pc, Then it is: Opening nolimits and starting to build [:)]
i mostly have and idea of the layout then i draw it, think about the theming in the back of my head, then create the elements element by element and insert them into the track, then i start smoothing and editing the track
when thats done i start the supports, when i'm tired doing supports i move on the 3ds, and when i'm tired of that i'll move back to supports and so on untill my ride is done
I plan my rides quite often. NOS was planned to hell and back, i had the whole area just about planned and what i wanted it to look like, an how i wanted the train to launch off of a high piece of land, and then go over the edge, and be right over the paving below. Yeah with NOS, planned, planned planned planned.
I do like to plan rides before i make them, it means you wont get stuck in the layout, or lose your way with what you want the ride to do. But with planning the ride on paper there are sometimes some issues which make me change the layout to what i planned. These include things like pacing, Forces, and how hard it is to make the element.
With other rides i have made, i have just sat down at the computer and thought i want to mae a ride with this theme, and of this type, and then you just make the ride as you go along. No layout planned at all. This is what happened with my latest coaster "prototype" it just kinda came. [:D]
It really depends what the situation is like Dirk said. Sometimes i need to plan a ride, as im just not in the right mood to sit and make it, where as other times you can sit at the computer and a ride just comes straight away.
If I'm going to do a newer styled ride, such as a B&M, Intamin, GCI, etc., I do not plan them since they don't require a neatly thought out/organized layout. If I'm going to make a classic design such as a layout by Traver, Schmeck, or Church, I always completely plan them out beforehand, since the layouts are so much more thought out and geniusly put to together compared to newer layouts.
Hmmmmmm . . .no i basicly make it all up at the computer and stuff because i think its funner that way. But i usualy have a name and themeing before i acctully start
I plan out my pig project coasters like 'Cataclysm', 'Apocalypse', 'Vertical Xtreme', and 'The Rockler 2'.
However on smaller projects, contest coasters, and coasters that evolve from messing around with new updates (Volare, Thrasher, The Helix, Kazan, etc.) are complete improv.
Every ride I have posted in the last year has been fully drawn out on paper. Sometimes certain elements may go different, but the entire coaster (layout, trees, etc.) is planned before I even open NL.
most of my desings begin on paper, then I build them, but quite often realise that it would be better with a corkscrew here or an airtime hill there . So yes and no for me.