Here is what I think:
The name is Shot Rod. It will have an inclined LSM launch. It will have a 163' elevation change. It will be 3850' long. It will have 13 moments of airtime.
The coaster itself
won't be dueling. The coaster itself will also
NOT cost $20+ mill alone,but maybe with all the theming and terrain work though it will cost close. It will
not have any inversions.
Also, the Six Flags project is 100% Roar at SFDK and it will be IBox (STOP CALLING IT IRON HORSE PEOPLE, THAT IS NOT A THING!!!)
- GhostRider may happen in the near future, but not until at least 2017.
Twisted Twins at Kentucky Kingdom will be IBox as well, but I am hearing that it won't be dueling or racing anymore...
Take my opinion as you will, but I will post a video of me eating my hat if I am wrong about any of this.