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[RCT2] Double Dragon and Schizophrenia

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Post February 20th, 2004, 1:09 pm

Posts: 185
Points on hand: 4,653.00 Points
Location: Cleveland, OH, USA < Get it here[:D]

I wanted to post this topic to A) ask people to check out my coaster and B) explain about something that raters have been complaining about.

I described these two coasters as "duelers" simply for lack of a better word. They are actually kind of a hybrid between racers and duelers because although they are similar in layout, they are positioned so that they fly by each other head-on. The trains cross over each other seven times, so this is definately not a racer like Gemini or something similar. If you look closely, there are a LOT of small corrections and differences between the two coasters that was necessary to synchronize the trains perfectly. They are hardly "mirrors" of each other, and these corrections took just as much time as it would take to synch two completely different layouts (gex did you even download this or just rate it on the screenshot?[confused]).

Basically, I'm saying please don't rate this down simply because these don't fit your definition of "duelers." I think all of the near-collision points and synchronized inversions justify my use of two similar layouts over just making a single coaster.

Anyway, if you don't want to rate, let me know what you think here! Comments are much more valuable than rates to me.[|)]
Last edited by RCTandy on February 22nd, 2004, 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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