The Wizards that you find when clicking the blank page in upper left are built in formulas that are so self explanatory that learning how
not to use them would be the challenge...
But other formulas like HSAK and the ever popular but brain busting FVDs can be downloaded and then loaded into the formula page. I'd start of with H:SAK ( ) and use these to get you going: ... 10&aid=150 ... 10&aid=152
Those will teach you how to make some common, simple elements using HSAK as well as using HSAK's more in depth features to make inversions.
Simply start out with Wizards and HSAK to understand what some of the things mean. But know that Elementary usually won't make sufficient elements without other programs like the Purg ( ... =95&page=1 ) and AHG, once you've put all the elements together.
And by the way you guys, there are SOOOO many threads of people asking tiny questions about Elementary and other tools that you can also use to help [;)]