If it is a straight drop and you don't want a predrop section, you should just make the top of the lift and the airtime part of the drop one hsak turn.
Here is an example, if you have a lift hill angle of 30 degrees and you want a 65 degree drop, you should make a turn of 95 degrees. You will also need a leadin and leadout. The leadin could probably be something around 10-15, depending how tight you want the top of the lift to be and the leadout you will have to fool around with along with the radius to get the drop to drop as far as you want.
When you save this hsak turn as an element, load it into the Purg, rotate it 90 degrees around the z-axis and whatever angle your lift is around the x-axis.
I hope this helps somewhat, I'm quite tired so if you don't understand or have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.
[edit]oops, changed 90 to 95 (30 + 65..)