This is what our original planning was:
- 4th to Walibi World, arrive back home at 2am. (Park was open until midnight.)
- Take a couple hours of sleep
- Wake up at 7am, depart at 8am.
- Arrive at 9am at Schlo????????? Beck for some random fun plus riding a Zierer Tivoli Medium.
- Go to MPG at 10am, which was next door of Schlo????????? Beck.
- Wait for LOEA to show up...
Well, this is how it ended:
- Walibi World: Success
- Arrive at home at 2am: Success
- Take a couple hours of sleep: fail, went to bed at 5am. [lol]
- Wake up at 7am: fail! We woke up again at 8:30am
- Depart at 8am: Fail! We were still asleep at that time. So we eventually left around 9:30am
- Schlo????????? Beck: Skipped, no time for the park. MPG was already open! No bonus credit for Max. (It was my 165th coaster [lol])
- MPG @ 10am: Half an hour later than expected. (We could have been there a bit sooner if there was no Traffic Jam from the Exit of the highway all the way up to the park... [lol])
So yeah, our first planning got pretty much screwed up... At 10:30am, we called LOEA. To see where the hell he is. Maybe he was still on it's way to the park so that we could have waited outside. A couple calls later, we found out the number was wrong so we couldn't even reach LOEA! That sucks!
The only thing that we could do left was go in by ourselves and hope we'd see LOEA and his dad in the huge crowds.
We started off in the Nick area, those are the lower capacity rides, thus crowded pretty quickly. We did the coasters that Max still had to ride and left of to the more interesting section of the park: The intamin Gyro drop tower and the woody.
The Intamin Gyro Drop stays an awesome ride, probably one of the fewer rides still out there that actually gives me the feeling of pure adrenaline. I'm even seriously thinking on getting next year an annual pass just for this tower. (And the woody as 2nd reason... [lol])
After that we walked to the Bandit, the RCCA woody with Premier trains. The trains sucked already since the start of their first laps on the ride but personally I don't care. If you know how where to ride in these trains the ride is suddenly much better. aka. In the middle of each car. The trains bounce extremely when they rush through each valley, the more hilarious it is when your sitting in the middle row of the car. Since the people in front of you are bouncing in their chairs so extreme, when you are having a much less extreme bounce. [lol]
The layout from bandit stays pure brilliance. No wonder because you can find the cyclone layout in a lot of places around the world. The only thing I dislike was the banking that RCCA has added to this ride. That double down tho is pure brilliance and my favorite part of the ride. Also the turbo lift hill is pretty hilarious and rarely seen on a wooden coaster. For comparison, it speeds up to about the speed of an intamin cable lift! I really hope MPG would be smart enough to re-track the ride and put PTC's on the ride. I'm sure it's going to be a much better ride than.
For the rest of the day we mostly hung out at the bandit. (Literally... [lol]) and walked around bandit and the SLC... Nothing really special done today. Just random marathon falling. [:D]
My pictures from today:

I grabbed my camera in the shed build by Six Flags. Waiting for bandit, getting a couple glimpses of the coaster running.

I see track!

Zierer Jetski's! Awesome! Too bad there was a pretty long line for it... [:(]

Woodies are beautiful

Yay, one of those bigger Zamperla Disc'o's. Again, too long line. (About 45min!)

I spy heartlining.

Yes, definitely heartlining... [lol]

not unlike this monster...

This is Henkmax, he also joined the meet-up... But no LOEA was to be found. And he practiced so hard on his German! [lol]

Shaping <3

Yes, in Germany you can easily buy a pack of cigarettes in middle of the park! No matter your age!

More woodie!

I love these types of freefall. The drop is soo much more thrilling than the regular intamin freefalls.

I spy woodie!

And there it crests the top again!

This was another place were we pretty much hung out all day. Good pizza!

Yay, SLC...

I'd stick with woodies tho...

First drop!

Oh yeah, we also took a ride on the SLC. What a comparison to the prototype! It was smoother in some areas but rougher in other areas. [lol]

And just went we wanted to ride the woodie for the last time... They were transferring a train away!

Almost there!

No need to push, that's where you've got the drive tires for!

Back to operating position...

Lock down the track and we're good to go!

Did anyone ever noticed this had Friction wheels? No? Well, that's simply because they don't use them! [lol]

Train making way through the first turnaround

Bouncing up, down, left, right and all other directions!

And up to a complete stop on the brakes.
Well, these were my pictures. I wonder what LOEA has all done today since we haven't seen anything that looked like LOEA all day near the Freefall or bandit... [lol]