I also had to use very high ISOs because the venue had poor lighting. I did take some with flash, which are obviously technically better, however I prefer using slower shutter speeds because I feel like the motion blur and grain captures the feel of live music better, at least when I get something usable.
The venue was the Great Scott in Allston, which is pretty much the central location in Boston for live music. The place itself was tiny, pretty much just a regular bar with a small stage in the back. I'm surprised Kylesa was able to fit, since they have 5 members, two of them being drummers, and the bassist and one of the guitarists also have their own drum setup. It was no Middle East or Paradise Rock Club, but a cool place overall.

IMG_0002RAW by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr
First up was Fight Amp

Fight Amp by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr
I hadn't really heard of this band, besides listening to a couple low quality live videos on Youtube, so I wasn't sure what to expect. They played a short set, about 20-30 minutes, and while the songs themselves weren't really memorable as they kind of meshed together, they were very good. I'd describe them as basic sludge metal with some noise rock and punk influences. On a side note, Matt Weed of Rosetta was standing right next to me for their set.....Someone who's music I've been a fan of for years standing about a foot away from me was kind of surreal.

Fight Amp by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Fight Amp by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr
Next was Rosetta, who as I said I've been a fan of for many years. Unfortunately I had never been able to see them live before, but I think it was worth the wait.

[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/boulderdashcci/5389138981/"]Rosetta[/url] by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr
If you ever have a chance to see these guys, do it. They might be the best live band I have ever seen, or at least top two. I'm not sure how else to describe it other than to say they are very "personal"....Mike Armine is extremely energetic and puts everything he has into the music.

Rosetta by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/boulderdashcci/
]Boulderdashcci[/url], on Flickr

Rosetta by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Rosetta by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Rosetta by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Rosetta by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Rosetta by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Rosetta by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Rosetta by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr
The only thing I was let down by was the short set. They only got to play about 5 songs, but I think this was the venue's fault, since everything seemed pretty scheduled. Their set was completely Determinism of Morality songs, but I can't complain about that as it's a very strong album. I hope I get to see them headline some time, and hopefully a longer set would include some Galilean Satellites and Wake/Lift songs as well. I also got to talk to Armine a little bit as he was packing up his stuff, really nice guy.
Finally the headliner Kylesa. I'm still kind of on the fence with them.....I like their music for the most part, but I think I would have been way more into them back when I really loved Mastodon. They played an awesome set though.

Kylesa by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Kylesa by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Kylesa by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Kylesa by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr

Kylesa by Boulderdashcci, on Flickr
Kylesa played about 10 songs, and sort of an encore drum solo thing. I had to leave fairly quickly after it was over to make my train, so they may have played one more after the drum solo, but I'm not sure. Overall though it was an amazing show with 3 very good bands. I was mostly there for Rosetta, and in my opinion they were the best of the three, but the whole show was very very good.
Thanks for reading. Full photo set here