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Fireworks Shows

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Post July 3rd, 2007, 10:40 pm

Posts: 312
Points on hand: 121.00 Points
Location: USA
I was just bored, and was wondering how many places in your state(s) do a fireworks show. Basically, does your city/state/amusement park do a fireworks show, and is it a big deal?

In Ohio, Columbus(the capital) hosts what is called Red, White, and Boom. The show is a big deal, in which people arrive up to 8-9 hours early to get a good spot for viewing. The show also lasts for about 30 minutes; when it first started 27 years ago, the show lasted for about an hour(so duration has really dropped). The show is synchronized with music, and is all computer programed.

How about the rest of the firework shows out there?

Post July 4th, 2007, 12:10 am

Posts: 2145
Points on hand: 3,189.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

At a tiny landfill that's also a skihill near my house, there's a Ribfest on Canada day that me and my friends all go to every year. Eat ribs, ride crappy carnival stuff, yeah. Then everybody gets a spot on the hill or near the hill to watch the 10 mins of fireworks that go off. Woo! Good stuff [:D]

Post July 4th, 2007, 1:36 am

Posts: 1068
Points on hand: -1,299.00 Points
Bank: 1,430.56 Points
Meh in my town there ain't very much there is like a party at like a Museum thing, but i don't go there its like 30 minutes bike ride from my house and plus i have to cross a river so yea, but at night there is a good fire work show about 30 minutes or so.

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