Hey all. I'm headed to FL for a few days this week. Since BGA wont have Cheetah Hunt open yet, we are gonna hit Old Town tommorow after we land and head to Universal and IOA on Monday to hit everything there. If we were to tryto get on the new Harry Potter ride (my sister wants to do it) does anyone have a good guess as to when we should try? I"be heard both first thing in the am and later in the afternoon after the rush...any ideas?
I second that. From reports that I have heard, Potterland gets really busy, really fast. Also, make sure your done with Potterland before you leave since 9 time out of ten you will not get back in that day.
Ok...I just talked to my uncle who was ther last week...he said do Potter and Dragons, then work around to Hulk through Jurassic Park and then head to Studios and Do Rock it and Mummy and w/e else over there.
I think i might go to universal on Tuesday now Potter land isn't that busy most mornings...
But afternoons yes....
Only during the holidays does it get over packed....
Dude, Harry Potter stuff never has long lines anymore- I've been almost 50 times the last 5 months. You'll be able to get everything done in no time. I usually do Rockit, Mummy, MIB, Hulk, Spiderman, JP, Both Dragons, and Harry Potter within 2 hours.
Dude, Harry Potter stuff never has long lines anymore- I've been almost 50 times the last 5 months. You'll be able to get everything done in no time. I usually do Rockit, Mummy, MIB, Hulk, Spiderman, JP, Both Dragons, and Harry Potter within 2 hours.
wanna go tuesday..?
i think i might just go and ride some rides and hang out
lol... t storms on tuesday..
doubt full.. since it never rains here for some reason but i am going tuesday.. and if it rains.,.. that means no lines ,
thursdays are actually the best day to go ...
Just got home from there(resident ) and the part was empty today because of the Princess Half Marathon. Just get there when they open and have no bags and you will be on the ride by 9:20 I PROMISE!
Beautiful...Thanks guys...today we hit up Old Town and Fun Spot and I added the 3 coasters there to bring my total to 156. I'm excited to go back to IOA and Universal to add HRRR and get back on the Hulk and Dragons!
fire is way better then ice in every way hulk- front or middle are the best (even though the ride needs new trains)
i am thinking of going tn tuesday if my schedule is free that day
fire is way better then ice in every way hulk- front or middle are the best (even though the ride needs new trains) i am thinking of going tn tuesday if my schedule is free that day
any one want to go on tuesday also
Ice is awesome too! The 0g roll is great and the cobra roll is extremely fast and snappy. Also the wall fly by is insane!
Ice in the front and Fire in the back!
I also like Hulk the best in the back...yay airtime!