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Post August 27th, 2003, 10:55 pm

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

I was just wondering what is the wierdest food anyone has eaten, I live in louisiana so I think we kinda eat alot of things that others would think twice about (but seem very natural to us lol). The worst thing I at was pretty embarrassing. but guess I started the post so have to post it (first let me say I was tricked into it thinking it was deer) it was actually nutra jerky [V] if you arent sure what nutra is lets just say its a rodent that is a pest lol. I was told it was nutra jerky and ate it, bad thing is is that it was pretty dang good lol.

Post August 28th, 2003, 12:20 am

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hmm...proly mussels in a big vat of tomato sauce, and i love em[:p]

Post August 28th, 2003, 12:31 am

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Location: Louisiana, USA

well over here if its game and dead its pretty much eaten (not saying I eat all that though lol gotta say get tripe and that crap away from me lol), also do any of you eat crawfish(known to everyone as crayfish). That is like the best thing about living here is eating crawfish (love it).

Post August 28th, 2003, 1:36 pm
Master of Puppets User avatar
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I ate "goose liver pat?????????" once.

most horrible experience of my life.

Post August 28th, 2003, 2:16 pm

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Seaweed salad at the jap.

As a REALLY ACCURATE comparison: Imagine chewing on elastics with the taste of seawater.. just about it!

Post August 28th, 2003, 3:52 pm

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Post August 28th, 2003, 11:58 pm

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Location: Louisiana, USA

ok those things can be worse actaully put my cuisine to shame lol, live grub huh ouch, have to say anything involving liver is pretty nasty

Post August 29th, 2003, 12:14 am
Kev True Addicts
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I won't go into any details about what it actually is, but I can definitely say that I will NEVER try it again. No amount of tequila would make this crap slide down my throat any easier.

Post August 29th, 2003, 1:03 am
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[lo] @Menudo
good ol mexican dish [lol]
btw, if you ever go to Mexico, I suggest you do not eat tacos from the taco stands outside the airport. It is not cowmeat in those tacos [lol]

Post August 29th, 2003, 5:09 am

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Post August 29th, 2003, 6:13 am

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Snails and Frogs legs are really bad. I had them when i went to France

Post August 29th, 2003, 6:29 am

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Location: Louisiana, USA

Frog legs are very common here, they really are not that bad but a little tough if not cooked right. over here if it moves someone pretty much eat it lol

Post August 29th, 2003, 12:47 pm
Kev True Addicts
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Yeah, frog legs and rattlesnake are pretty common around here too, and though I've never tried either for myself, I hear that it's pretty good. I have tried alligator though, and found it to be very tasty.

Post August 29th, 2003, 2:02 pm

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Location: Louisiana, USA

Alligator is really good, especially fried. If its not cooked right though it can be pretty though tough. Has anyone ever had crawfish (crayfish)

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