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Post June 4th, 2004, 1:37 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Hey, Although I live in England, I follow NHL. I'm a Flyers fan :) cus they're the best obviously, hehe ;). I was just wondering what you think of this series, (Tampa Vs. Flames) in the stanley cup final, I mean, being a Flyers fan I would have prefered them to beat Lightning and go to the final, but still This series has been properly exciting, and the last game (game 5, flames 3-2 Tampa in OT) Was amazing, really exciting and intense :D!!! If theres any Hockey fans out there, talk to me pleeeeeease, cus there just isn't any other hockey fans in England, everyone loves football (soccer) too much, I meam, I love that too, but they just don't see how good Ice hockey is......

Post June 4th, 2004, 5:56 pm

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i'm not a big "fan" of hockey but i would love to see the flames win this year. canada needs to be getting some more cups.

Post June 4th, 2004, 6:02 pm
Oscar User avatar
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meh, screw Canada, go Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!! [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 4th, 2004, 6:07 pm
Master of Puppets User avatar
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I enjoy hockey. I was fired up when the flames won yesterday.

Also gouldy, that is a kickass signature you have there.

Post June 4th, 2004, 6:30 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I want Tampa to win, but my favorite team is Colorado Avalanche, mostly because when I was a lil` kid, I wanted to be a goalie, and so I looked up to Pactic Roy as "The Best" and so since then I've liked em, and why not still like em??

Post June 4th, 2004, 6:50 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Surely Pang was the best goalie, and Avalanche suck, lol haha anyway....Flames are so gonna win, they deserve to just for that game last night, it was fantastic, if it wasn't, I wouldn't stay up till 4:20 in the morning to watch it lol. I hope this series go 7 games, cus its been well good so far........still would have liked to see Flyers there though :(

Actually, going back to the goaltenders, looking at the series so far, it is just really about who has got the best goaltender and to be honest I think Kiprusoff is just marginally better than khabibulin and so i think Flames will win the cup......marginally :), see the logic working there, oooo yes hehe. That goal that igila scored last night, just shows that there is a hole in the bulin wall after all....

And Master Of Puppets, you're into family guy then i take it? hehe

Post June 4th, 2004, 8:41 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by gouldy

Surely Pang was the best goalie, and Avalanche suck, lol haha anyway....Flames are so gonna win, they deserve to just for that game last night, it was fantastic, if it wasn't, I wouldn't stay up till 4:20 in the morning to watch it lol. I hope this series go 7 games, cus its been well good so far........still would have liked to see Flyers there though :(

Actually, going back to the goaltenders, looking at the series so far, it is just really about who has got the best goaltender and to be honest I think Kiprusoff is just marginally better than khabibulin and so i think Flames will win the cup......marginally :), see the logic working there, oooo yes hehe. That goal that igila scored last night, just shows that there is a hole in the bulin wall after all....

And Master Of Puppets, you're into family guy then i take it? hehe

That's not exactly true, last years cup was against New Jersey and Anahiem, and I think Anahiem had the better goalie (I think it was because of him they even made it that far) but they still last. So defense is also a big part, not just the goalie himself.

Post June 5th, 2004, 8:37 am
gouldy User avatar
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Yeah, that was last year though, I'm talking about this year. This series so far has been very much "a battle of the tenders". The devils V the Ducks series last year sucked, as I hate both teams, like properly bad and I couldn't really enjoy it in the fullest, lol, the final game was good though......I have that on video somewhere.

P.S. I love Khabibulins headgear, its proper beefed!

Post June 5th, 2004, 10:13 am

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Well I follow hockey a lot. I am a huge fan of it and as some people know here I play it. I Like the Red Wings the most since they're my home team, but they sucked this year in the playoffs and lost to the Flames. I don't really care who wins the cup anymore this year, but It sure would be nice to see who does. But If I had to pick one right now, I would say go Calgary only because they beat my Red Wings and they have just been playing outstanding throughout the whole playoffs.

Post June 5th, 2004, 11:05 am
gouldy User avatar
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ahhhhh, you support "hockey town" ey [lol] hockey town.......disgusting, HAHAHA. That to me just sounds like the people in detroit love their hockey team too much, HAHA. I would also like to see the Flames win, being a Flyers fan, I want to see Lightning get wooped big time.......that hasn't really happened yet, its ben quite close for most of the series and thats why its been such an exciting series. I still would have much prefered a Flyers V Flames final though hehe.

Right, what do you think the score will be tonight? Do you think that Flames will win the cup tonight or will it go the whole 7 games?
I personally hope it does go the whole 7 games, cus then thats one more match of exciting hockey to watch [:)] but then Flames to win 4727423924936245-0 in the 7th game [:D]

Post June 5th, 2004, 3:52 pm

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Well If the Flames do win the cup, I would like to see them win it tonight only because the Flames are at home.

Post June 5th, 2004, 5:58 pm
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Ahhhhhhh, yeah, I suppose your right, lifting the cup in front of the other teams fans probably isn't as rewarding as lifting it in front of your own're right, I suppose it would be better for the Flames and their fans, but I'm not a Flames fan nor am I a Flames player the last time I checked I wasn't anyway, so as a neutral fan, I would like to see it go the whole 7 games

Post June 6th, 2004, 7:56 am
gouldy User avatar
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YES! 7 games it is then [:D] now we want calgary to destroy tampa bay [approve] in the 7th game........

Post June 6th, 2004, 9:32 am

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Yeah 7 games! That was one hell of a game 6 last night.

Post June 6th, 2004, 2:16 pm
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Yeah man, DOUBLE over time, thats when it starts getting reeeeeally tense, lol. But to be fair, Flames did actually score 3 goals, that one that they had was so over the line, by like 2CM, easily in, I don't know why it wasn't called, that would probably have won them the stanley cup on home ice aswell, shame that, but still good for us, we get to see another extremely excting game, although it means i have to stay up till 4 in the morning on tuesday morning when i have an Alevel exam at 9 AM in the morning, LOL

Post June 6th, 2004, 3:05 pm

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Yeah and the funny thing about that so called "fake goal" is the fact that it was scored by Martin Gelinas. And Gelinas is the guy who scored the western quarter finals clinching goal, the western semi-finals clinching goal, and the wester conference final series clinching goal. And if they counted his fake goal, that would have been the Stanley cup clinching goal. Pretty cool in my opinion.

Post June 6th, 2004, 5:46 pm
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Yeah, he's a sweet player though I think, somewhat forgotton because of the likes of iginla and stuff. So who do you think the MVP is gonna go to? I'm thinking Kiprusoff or iginla...........possibly khabibulin

Post June 7th, 2004, 5:51 pm

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I realy don't think it will be Khabiboulin or however you spell his name even if Tampa does win the cup. I think Mikka Kiprusoff will win it if Calgary Wins. Or if Tampa Bay wins, I think Brad Richards may win the MVP. Richards has been playing a great playoffs for the Lightning.

Post June 7th, 2004, 11:05 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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TAMPA BAY WON!!!! hee hee, [:D] I touched that stanley cup, too. And I also watched hockey with the guy who caries it. We were at a Sears where they where showcasing it, and my dad and I decided to go downstairs and watch the hockey game. it was the devils against the team they beat before they played the Stanley Cup. And so anyways, it was a long, long game, if I remember right, and the last commercial of the game, he got bored and said he was going back up stares, and we asked him if his friend or wife was waiting in line for him (it was really long) and he said no, I'm the one who carries it, then he pulled out his glove and said for us to tell him who wins. ANd then about 5 minutes l8r the Devils won, and then we barely made it to touch the cup, because it leaves at 8:00 sharp no matter what.

Post June 8th, 2004, 7:02 am
gouldy User avatar
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[:(] well that ruined my day, I don't like Tampa bay..........well now I just hate them. I suppose, as a Flyers fan though, I can say that we did get beaten by the eventual winners of the cup, so its not all bad I suppose and, Cpfan2008 was right about th MVP, Brad Richards did win it, I wasn't that impressed by him though to be fair, neither was anybody in England.....there was a vote held by channel 5 (the channel ice hockey is shown on in england), to see who people thought should win it, well loads and loads of people emailed in and stuff and said who they thought. The top three were :
Iginla 41%
Kiprusoff 21%
Khabibulin 20%
and then there was some others on really small amounts, but Brad Richards didn't even get a mention, lol.
Well done to thecool326 for touching the cup, lol, next time hack a big piece off the side of it and send it to me [:D] no one will notice [;)]

Post June 8th, 2004, 3:16 pm

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Actually, Brad Richards was super impressive in the playoffs in my opinion. He scored major goals for Tampa and set up some nice ones. And everytime Richards scored, the Bolts aka Tampa Bay would win that game. I was actually not suprised at all when they said he won the MVP. Anyways, that was one classic NHL game 7 final. What a fun one to watch.

Post June 8th, 2004, 3:45 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Yeah it was a very good game, I'm a bit sad though now, no ore Ice Hockey for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages [lol] But I suppose that does mean I can get some sleep now, rather than staying up till 4:20AM watching it, lol and its even worse when it goes into overtime [lol] worth it though [:)]

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