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Friction Coefficient "calculator"

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Post February 2nd, 2010, 1:50 am

Posts: 1928
Points on hand: 1,601.00 Points
Location: OH, USA
Before I start, this is NOT a program that you open and run on your computer. It is only an NL track file and a .newt2 file zipped together and designed to work with each other.

This isn't actually a full-blown calculator, but given my almost complete lack of knowledge of advanced calculus, it was hard for me to come up with a program that would calculate the friction coefficient.
Anyway, all this is is a NL trackfile zipped up with a .newt2 file. All of the settings are there, all you need to do is make the track file the type and train length you want, adjust a few things, and get the ending speed. The newton file will do the rest! More detailed instructions are included with the track file in the track info.

Once again, THIS IS NOT A PROGRAM, IT IS JUST TWO FILES ZIPPED TOGETHER. Granted, they're easy to make, but I figured I'd save everyone the time since I got bored tonight and decided to do all the work.

Also, I'd love some feedback from people regarding this setup's accuracy. My limited testing yielded promising results, but I'd love some feedback.

Here's the link to download it: ... ?tid=16523

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