So, my computer had to be wiped and its currently being fixed right now, so I started over on a new laptop. Thanks for the feedback and it's getting better and better. Here are some pictures:

There is the second inversion with the tip from Bouncypip11 (Thanks


Here is an ariel view of the track like goudly asked for

Here is the track after the loop

Here is the track going to the top hat

Here is the loop itself, I used looping box supports for the track to make it look identical to the real one where the top hat and the loop connect through some type of box support.
If you want to download it, just ask me and I will PM you. Also, if there is anything wrong that you see with it don't be afraid and tell me and I will fix it. I still need help with the scenery and terrain, I will work on the loop supports itself but the rest of the track supports I may need someone to work on it for me, I will most likely do them myself. I'm not sure but I think Projektion may help me with the scripts but if he doesn't I'll say.