While a lot of theme park employees seem to be doing their jobs just to get them done, there are some times where I've encountered ones that have a lot of fun and be entertaining while doing their job, and it makes the waiting a bit more enjoyable. Feel free to share when this has happened to you.
When I was at Valleyfair back in October, the Renegade crew was hilarious. They were running one train, and while it was out running the course, they would sing along to whatever song was playing in the station and dance to it. They would also spruce up the station spiel...
-(As train enters station) "The next song on our playlist is called 'Welcome Back Riders'."
-(As riders disembark) "As you exit the ride, wave hello to our oncoming riders."
-(Dispatching) "Clear, scanning... #allclear. Sit up right, hold on tight, and enjoy your ride on Renegade. YEEEEE-HAW!"
They said a lot more funny stuff, but I can't remember it all. I wish there were more ride ops that would act like that.