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Funny stuff

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Post March 27th, 2004, 8:30 pm

Posts: 1140
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Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA
This is for funny stuff from school or that you heard somewhere. But PLEASE keep it clean.

back on topic:

once in science we were talking about gene's and our teacher was asking if we ever saw anything albino(like deer). Then this kid asked the teacher if Michael Jackson was albino [lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol][lol]. I fell off of my chair laughing

Post March 27th, 2004, 10:51 pm

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Once, in my science class, this kid was squirming in his chair and we were like what's wrong with you? He said nothing, so we went on with class. Then he farted and it echoed in the whole room. People were like why didn't you hold it in? He said did you expect me to blow up? I had to!

Post March 27th, 2004, 10:57 pm

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Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA

Post March 27th, 2004, 11:37 pm

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Location: Springfield, MO, MO, USA
Is Michael Jackson albino?... thast a logical question

Post March 29th, 2004, 12:44 am

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Location: Bay Area, CA

Um...I farted in my English class during dead silence...I scooted the desk around after the fart to bend it in and to play it off as me scooting the desk back some.

Post March 29th, 2004, 6:48 pm
gouldy User avatar
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[lol] HAHAHA, in the lower years of school, we always used to get tests, everyone had to be silent while taking the tests, obviously.
But me and my mate would try and make as much noise as possible during the tests to see who could make the most noise without getting kicked out, i realise it was silly now, but it was so, so funny back then. the worst was when we would just sit there going "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO NUMBER 3!?" really loud to each other, and everyone was laughing, ahh the memories of when school work didn't really matter are sooooooo reasuring, lol.

Hmmmm, its school tomorrow and its nealry midnight, maybe its time i should think about going to get some food then some more food, then maybe bed at like 2, after the NHL has finished on channel 5 OBVIOUSLY, [lol] P.S. Philly flyers rule! and we made the playoffs!

Post March 29th, 2004, 7:49 pm

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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

Back in grade school, I did a loud fart and everyone heard it over the intercome. I didn't know until I got home and my bro told me. Last year toward the begenning of school year (im in 11th), a student did a fart in religion and cleared out about half the room it stunk so bad! [lol][lol][lol][lol] In my marine science class, I have a teacher with a dry sense of humor, well we were disecting a shark (looking at the outside first), and a girl that goes to every room handing out sheets that say who was late, and who is not there, came into the classroom, when she saw the shark, she kinda jumped back and my teacher started making growling noises at her and holding the shark and moving it toward her, it was funny[lol].

Too much happens at my school, there have already been three drug busts, two dropouts, and one who got dropped off at military school just this year in my grade only. The best drug bust was when a student whent to the bathroom about ten minutes before class was over in my math class. He never came back. Later I found out he was caught in the bathroom trying to sell drugs, well, he was taken the the front office when he noticed that no one was around so he decided to split. He ran out of school, up an interstate for 2 1/2 hours to a gas station where, supposedly, his brother works. The cops had come with the drug dogs and could not find him at all. Later a student said he saw him at the beach smoking a joint.

Post March 29th, 2004, 8:22 pm

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Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA

@ my cousin's school a girl is probibally going to be expelled for cussing out a teacher and throwing a desk at the teacher

intercom fart....sound's like a good idea[;)]

(gouldy, GO FLYERS!)

Post March 29th, 2004, 8:35 pm

Posts: 232
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Location: Tarsonis, planet Aiur
Once whenI was in school me and my friends were walking along talking during our lunch hour when i ran smack into a pole and almost fell over. My friends burst out laughing, they saw the pole but didn't bother to tell me about it until it was too late

Post March 29th, 2004, 10:12 pm

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ohh boy, one year me and my friends snuck into school in the middle of the summer and stayed there for three days, during the break at school we got two pencils and a mop that we stole, the funny thing is that the school was swarming with teachers and janitors but we nerver got caught until the day three, this is not a lie, we also found that the school was bug infested[:(]

as well in garde 8 me and my friends had a spit ball fight at school,i only hit the teacher once but it was worth it. and just for the record i have farted many times during assmeblys in the gym's and test's, but most of the time i can hold it in, most of the time[:)]

Post March 29th, 2004, 10:17 pm

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one time i really had 2 go 2 the bathroom, so i went (couldnt hold it) and when i got back to class, the room was dark, the door was locked and the class was gone. it took me 20 mins to find out that they went up to the autoshop to use the computers lol

Post March 29th, 2004, 11:20 pm

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Location: USA

When I was only 3 years old, we went to town, and bought some spring clothes with the family. At the checkout line my mom met an old high school friend and introduced me and my sister. The lady wore a lot of make up, and I was impacient, so I said LADY! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FACE!!! She was like you little turd! My mom later made me shut up but I asked her again but I started screaming at her. My mom told the lady it wasn't my fault because I didn't see a lot of people with makeup.

Post March 30th, 2004, 12:15 am

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Location: London, United Kingdom

One time on a school trip to a submarine, 8th grade, it was quite interesting and all...
the tour guide was so ..into it... he knew everything, proudly showing everything to us..the at the end he ask's "any questions?", this kid screams "YEAH, WHEN ARE WE GETTING OFF THE ******* BOAT!!" he got suspended...

Post April 1st, 2004, 1:39 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Back in Junior school, one of my mates when to the toilet when someone he really didnt like decided to also use the urinal. My mate then pissed all up the kids leg... the funniest thing was that this boy was carried out of the toilets on the strecher, i was actualt like rolling on the floor when i saw that.
Also one time in a Geography class, i was gazing generaly out the window and saw the same pigeon pass the window several times. I then decided to actualy work and i was concentrating, next thing i know there was this fecking great bang right next to my head. I jumped up and nearly poop myself, and saw a pigeon lying motionless on the floor 20 ft below...that was funny as poop....had to be there

Post April 1st, 2004, 7:12 pm

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

well, one time in spanish class we were taking a test and i was cheweing some gum...well when i chew gum, i guess i swallow air, so after about 20 min, i let out a VERY loud burp in complete silence, hehe, all the girls were like ewww and the teacher just looked at me and started laughing

Post April 1st, 2004, 7:44 pm

Posts: 1275
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Location: Bay Area, CA

I did a Print screen on my cousins computer, after loading up Flash. I then set it as the wall paper and she came out to 'close' the program which was actually the background and thought her computer froze. I was watchin the whole time as she got all angered at her 'freezing' computer whhen it was perfectly fine..and I couldn't bear holding back my laughter and then admited to doing's a great prank to pull on someone

Post April 1st, 2004, 11:18 pm

Posts: 232
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Location: Tarsonis, planet Aiur
One time at work I decided to hide against one of the lockers in the womens restroom and wait for my front end manager to go to her locker. I then just said her name very slowly in a low voice; she turn around and after screaming slightly turned around and said "you b**ch!" and started to laugh. It was well worht scaring her because she;s so serious all the time.

Post April 1st, 2004, 11:52 pm

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Location: USA

In second grade, our classroom was on the top of the hill and there were some lunch tables bellow. Anyway, I looked out the window and there was a teacher and her class out their and I had a role of toilet paper. So when the lady bellow turned around I threw the toilet paper out the window and hit her. She came up and asked who did it, then my twin sister got in trouble, then I got in trouble, then I blamed it on another person.

Post April 2nd, 2004, 5:42 pm

Posts: 802
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

in my school, today on 4/2/04, students were being called to the office and then she called a guy to the office whos last name is crocker, well she said cocker by mistake, it was funny.

Post April 2nd, 2004, 9:52 pm

Posts: 46
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Location: Springfield, MO, MO, USA
in 8th grade i got in trouble all the time... one thing that i liked to do was wear offensive shirts (towards a paticualr teacher) about how i was Satanic becuase everyone wore Christian shirts. He alwasy sent me to te office to ge a new shirt and i was like asked him uncomfortable questions that he couldnt answer or he would get in trouble. I always took his passes, pens, and anything i could find. Then when we had ther fild trip to Silver Dollar City i couldnt go, and that meant i couldnt play the concert, so my girlfriend didnt go either, they b*itched her out I LOVE DENNISE!

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