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Future Coasters

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Post October 12th, 2005, 5:49 pm

Posts: 174
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Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

What do you think coasters of the futures will be like?

I think you would have to sit in a pod and fly around on imaginary track with barrel roles and loops and stuff.

Or u sit in a virtual reality room where you fall asleep then u wake up on any previously chosen rollercoaster even ones that arent still standing but this virtual reality thing is like what you find at the arcade its feels like the real thing and when you wake up you beleive that you have actually rode it.

but hey there just my ideas i wanna hear youre's

Post October 12th, 2005, 5:58 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I really hope it never gets to that stage to be honest, because that would be the end of the entire rollercoaster industry. There wouldn't be any parks anymore, people would just have virtual reality head sets and jipe at home. Then they would tear down the parks to make way for needless things like schools and hospitals [lol]

Post October 12th, 2005, 6:20 pm

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I don't think the core principal of the coaster will change, they will always have rails and supports. I think the trains and track will change in design though.

I'm getting Frozen when I'm 28 and I'm getting unfrozen in the year 2500 so I'll be able to see what coasters are like[:)]

Post October 12th, 2005, 6:26 pm

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can you say austin powers??? lol i hope they just get better and better

Post October 12th, 2005, 6:34 pm

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I'm not joking dude, I wonder what would happen if I bring my cat along...[:p]

Post October 13th, 2005, 3:26 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by screamomatic

I'm getting Frozen when I'm 28 and I'm getting unfrozen in the year 2500 so I'll be able to see what coasters are like[:)]

yeah, and i'm going to build a timemachine so i can see you peeps dying and then stop in 2500 to see how screamomatic gets unfrozen again! [lol] Then we can travel back to the past to get a double person screamomatic [lol]

Post October 13th, 2005, 12:49 pm

Posts: 174
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Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

oh no one screamomatic will be bad enough we dont need two

i know what you mean when you say you dont want coasters to turn out like that i was just thinkin bout this movie i saw and thought it would be pretty cool and i anted to see what you lot would think about it.

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