Well, the bus came to the nearest bus station at around 4am, and the long 6 hours drive began... I was way bored, I couldn't even sleep, becouse there were many silly children kept screaming for the entire ride.... And the ride home... If I wouldn't have my iPod, I would have gone nuts for sure...
Well, we came to the park at around 10am, and walked right past the people waiting in the ticket-booth lines, becouse we already got ours in the bus. We first wanted to go on Ikarus, but it was way to crowded, and we moved on... The same happened with Blue Tornado (BT) and Fuga da Atlantide (FA). So we decided to go first on Gardalands brand new Vekoma minetrain coaster, Mammut. We waited and waited and waited, and as we thought the line was over, there was another huge line in front of us, so we waited even more. The total waiting time was about 1.5 hours. Luckily the wueues interact quite good with the coaster, so I wasn't exactly bored, as I was studying the features of the coaster. Well, after the wait, I finally boarded one of the trains. The second row in the last car to be exact. My brother and his friends got into the train before the one I was in, and so I had to sit with a very frightened Italian woman. Anyway, the ride really did surprise me, just like barone said it would! Some really fun twists and turns and some great interactions with the scenery, which btw could easily compare to FA or a disney ride. The only thing I was hoping for was airtime, which unfortunately this ride didn't have. Well, my opinino on this ride would be, that it was definately great, but not great enough for a 1.5 hours wait, while I could do like 10 rides on Magic Mountain, or 5 on Sequoia or BT... Well, the next thing we did was, that we grabbed some Lunch in the Blue Tornado restaurant. Burgers+looking at coasters=heaven on earth. After that, I and my brother wanted to go to blue tornado, but the other friends were against that, becouse they thought they would get sick, since they just ate. So we went for Space Vertigo, Gardalands Freefal tower. It's only 40 meters high, but still way fun. And besides, the GP (general public) friends would probably chicken out on anything higher, since I had trouble getting them onto this one... We waited for about 10 minutes ([:0]) and got on... I really really really hate that running through those red, green and blue lighted tunnels, before you get to the ride... Anyway, at that ride, there was my first not so good experience in the park... Some guys went together through the counting mechanism, and there was one person too much in the group before ours, so 3 other people waited before the gate to the actual ride... So if you were counting, that is a group of 20 people for a ride that takes 16... That's how easily you can mess up everything on a ride in Gardaland. And I had more experiences of this kind that day... Those counting mechanisms really do suck badly...
Anyway, next we hit Sequoia! We waited for about half an hour before we got on. The seats are quite confortable, IMO, but the restraints are all wiggly and stuff, and those OTSRs move sideways for like 5 cm... [sarcasm] Really a great feeling of safety, I must say [/sarcasm] Well, the adrenaline that builds up on that ride is tremendous! The moment you climb over the lift, and than travel at the speed of around 20kph towards the 180 deg. drop of doom, is just awesome. The tension is so great, that you just wish the time would stop. And than the first drop and the tramendous amount of air/hang time mixture... Amazing. Well, after that it gets kinda repetitive. Tho I must say that idea with the saw blade under the last drop is a really nice touch! Next we hit MM, my personal favourite! We queued for like 10 minutes and got on. I have to say, that this ride has the best thrill/wueue lenght balance of all the rides in Gardaland, and thus it's the best ride to wisit in the more crowded days, like yesterday was... It was awesome, I rode in the forelast row and I loved the airtime on the first drop and on that hill thingy near the station. It's a shame there's no airtime filled ride in Gardaland (well, except sequoia, but that doesn't count...). We rode MM about 4 times, and than hit the Top spin. The last time I've been on it it hurt like hell, but yesterday it was really quite confy... Well, as confy as a top spin can get...
Next we went back to our bus to get some drinks, and check in with the escourters (sp?). When we got back to the park, we first hit the deathtrap... Sorry, I mean blue Tornado! Again, some asshole messe dup the counting system, and I had to wait in the station, since the train was full. When the next train arrived, I went for the second seat... I knew it was better in the last seats, but my brother wanted to go to the front row, and I followed him (he didn't make it with my group, and came to the station with the next one...) there. But there was allready a guy sittin there, and he decided to join him. I ended up in the second row, alone and with my restraint moving up and down for quoite a bit, since I am to big to close it to the next step... What more do you want, heh?! Well, the "fun" started at the lift crest, when I started to slide out of my seat, becouse of the loose restarint... NOT a very pleasant feeling. The rest of the ride can be described by one single phrase: The evil SLC+ deathtrap torture thing of doom. Seriously every single part of the track hurts. Especially the rollover, where you get thrown around like hell, and my loose restraint did nothing to preven that, the sidewinder, where the infamous SLC transition waits to claiom it's victims, and the double inline twist... Ever rode a SLC in NL? Did it have an inline twist? Well, I don't think theres a chance that the lat's arent at least 1.8 in the entrance to them... Especially, since they're made the same way as the Vekoma/Arrow corkscrews. And that way hurts... Well, I totally got headache from that ride, so we decided to go onto something more calm... Like the river rapids. And on a hot day like yesterday, that was the perfect solution. It was quite fun, with some really great theming. Next up was FA, but when we came there we decided that the ride itself isn't wait an hour of waiting, since the theming is clearly visible from offride too. (don't worry, I got some cool pics anyway) Next thing was a little argue about where to go, and the group of 9 split into smaller groups. Our group went to ride MM, since we allready hit all the atractions that we wanted, and we had 1.5 hours left. Well, on the way there we stopped at that egyptian ride, which wasn't that good, but it was really refreshing inside, and had no queues... Than we finally hit the MM again... We rode it another 6 times, so that makes 10 MM rides in one day! (still not beating my last years school trip record, which was 12 in 1.5 hours) On the way back to the front of the park we got something to drink and stopped at the 4D cinema... We waited in the line, and when there were only 3 people left on the counter, the people in larger groups that were before us started asking if there was any group of 3 there to go inside. Ofcourse, me, my brother and a friend of ours voluentaired, and when we got to the front of the ride, a women split of her group and got in befor us, so my bro and my friend got in, and I had to wait outside... [V]
Than we headed back to the bus.
And than the 6 hours drive back began. Again, my sanity was saved by my ipod, without which, the screaming kids would make me go nuts. We got back home at about 12:15 today.
Well, that was my trip, I hope you enjoyed reading about it!
Now for the pictures part:

The drive was really long and boring...

The park was quite packed...

Blue Tornado! It's really weird how most people from Slovenia thik it's one of the worlds best rides...

Ever a line for a SLC this long?

Entrance to Fuga da Atlantide: one of the best themed rides ever!

zOMG! There's Mammut!!!1!

Some views from the queue!

zOMG, there's Mammuts train!!!

The queue doesn't look that bad, does it?

The deathtra... I mean Blue Tornado!

The queue interacts quite nicely with the track, so I wasn't really that bored...

A train passing right over our heads! Awesome!

Well, the queue should be over right around the corner, right?


More Mammut goodnes!

Mammut's station...

Some more queue shots...

And finally... So long suckers!

Inside of the station!

Bye bye Mammut!

The 40m tall drop tower... FUN!

People falling! Even more fun!


My preciouss!

Great rides interactions, don't you think?

zOMG, those people are being screwed!


And into the brakes...

This part of the park is just packed with great stuff... Like MM... Or Sequoia adventure...

Ikarus! Didn't get to ride it this time... Too many people queuing...

zOMG, a Mammut sign!

Doesn't it look peacefull, and not really all "Imma rip your head off"-ish?

Muahahahahaha! I'm ripping heads off!

They really don't know what they are doing... Or they wouldn't be where they are...

Aaaaaaaaaarrgghhh! My head!

zOMG, there's Mammut again! Hello Mammut!

The river rapids gift shop... Packed with weird stuff, like S&M ish whips...

Some of the cool Fuga da Atlantide theming...

It's called "Granito" and is the best thing ever! It gives you an awesome brainfreeze!

Even more awesome Atlantida theming...

A fish, that has water coming from it's mouth! Awesome!



Some Fuga da Atlantide trains, and even more theming...

The queue...


Beautifol horizont picture...

Some more people in pain!

The best place to take BT pictures...

Going up!

And going down!


The pretty track!

See, how pretty it is!

Some train pictures...

And a close up...

And some other cool BT shots!

I just couldn't get enough of it!

I believe this is the oldest ride at Gardaland... You're in a boat, and travel around fake animals...

Cool shot! With the exception of my brother beeing in it...

Hot MM and Sequoia action!

The awesomely themed egyptian thingy! Everything here has a theme...

OK, am I the only one who finds this desturbing...?

Awesome laser effects...

Some more Magic Mountain action!

MMs train, through Sequoia! Kewl!

Top Spin + The teacups from MMs queue!

Me onride, with my friend... I'm wuite soaked, becouse of the sprinklers all around the park and the sun was shining directly into my eyes... Fun!

Some MM onride pics!

And my favourite one of them...
Well, that's when my camera ran out of battery, but don't worry, after that we went back to the bus, so I didn't miss anything essential!