I just read about this at parkmania.it...
Sounds really cool to me, and by this beeing themed, there are only I think 2 rides, that are not themed in Gardaland: Ikarus and Top Spin!
Altho, I like the green-ish colour scheme more than this brown one...
Especially becouse Mammut already uses this colour scheme...
Well, I kinda agree with alton, it was beautiful the way it was...
I really loved it's colour scheme, and the lake and everything...
It was something special with it's green colours, and I think all the brown stuff, and the brown track/supports would kinda ruin it's looks.
Also, if they're going to go squeezing in all that theming, than the park would get overthemed.
Also, there's the question of what will happen to Sequoia...
Well,as I can see from concepts,there will be a Bigfoot just outside the station and one in the middle of the final helix.
I personally don't like when there are too many different themings (it would be awesome something like Disney)but I must admit that Bigfoot fits very well with the actual Sequoia and the close Colorado Boat.
It's not a bad choice to re-value an old ride.An over 20 years rollercoaster that always meets a great success!But I kill them if they change its name!!!
It's clear that Gardaland is not a "mechanical" park but a highly themed amusement park and everything is built with this precise intention.The area around Magic Mountain has already dramatically changed with the introduction of Sequoia (some people love it,others hate it).
Remember,it doesn't have so much available free space and many many limits due to the near important lake Garda.
Similar problems as Alton Towers has...
Hmmmmmm this seems weird. Its already a beautiful ride that fits nicely in its surroundings, at least it looks that way from photos. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out, but to me it doesnt really seem necessary. Maybe they just have extra paint left from Mammut and are just looking for an excuse to get rid of it [:D][lol]