The day started, when I got on the bus in 4 a.m. in the morning. It was a long trip, sponsored by our mayor for the best students of our school. We drove for 6.5 hours and finally got there 1.5 hour after opening time. We split into small groups. Me and my friend went first for the Icarus, but there was like half an hour wait time and it wasn't worth waiting. So we heade to Blue Tornado and Fuga da Atlantide, but they were both to crowded. We went to the other side of the park, but it wasn't a long walk, since the park is not really big. There we got the first ride of the day. It was on Sequoia Adventure, the screaming sqirel. It was really fun, but to short for my taste. The most scary things were the otsr's, cuz they were all shaky and were moving for like 10cm. The next thing we wnet on weere the Colorado boats, the log flume ride. It's smaller, but way better themed than the one at Mirabilandia. Then we hit the line for Top spin. This was the shortest wait of the day. We waited for about ten minutes and then got on. The cool thing abou this is, that everytime I go to Gardaland, it's a different experience. But the restraints were still very uncomfortable. Next we vent on Magic Mountain. Twice in a row. It wasn't bad, quite fun actually. Both rides were in the last row and prevented us with two instances of airtime. Our next stop was the teacup ride, the Kaffetassen. It was fun and my hands still hurt. After that we slowly went back to the other side of the park. We got lunch on our way to Space Vertigo, the 40m high freefall tower. It's not a big deal, but still fun. We rode that twice. On our way to Blue Tornado, I got a sneak peak at the construction site. There's nothing to see really, just this:

then we finally went on Blue Tornado. It was fun, with the exeption that my head still hurts. Next we got in line for Fuga da Atlantide. We waited for 45 minutes. Surely you'll say that it's just not worth, but everything else was even more crowded. The ride was pretty boring, but had nice theming. The two drops were fun too, wspecially the second one. Then we went back to BT and rode it again and headed back to MM. After riding that 3 times, we went on Top Spin, the Teacups, again on MM and then Space Vertigo. Then we headed to River Rapids, cuz there was like 36?????????C and we wanted to cool off a bit, but it was way to crowded. After walking for a while through the park, we found out that everything was too crowded and so we went to see the dolphins and got ourselfs some ice-cream. Then we went into the pirateship ride and it was nicely cool (read: cold) down there. After that we went on MM a couple of times, but then it was back to the bus for us.
Overall we had a pretty good day, just a (HUGE) bit overcrowded. The weather was fine and I'm quite satisfied with the trip. Comments are appreciated.
P.S. Forgive me any mistyping. It's hard to write an essey in a foreign language.[:)]