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Gimme a Break!

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Post August 1st, 2004, 8:34 am

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Location: Hanford, Washington, USA
I'm not going to take this to the complaint forum because it's more of a debatable point than a gripe: I just uploaded a coaster that has quite a few inversions, and the second person to rate it said there were too many of them. Is there an actual limit set somewhere, carved or even spray painted on stone that says "Okay, you've had too much fun now" ? Have I gone 'round the bend with 12 inversions? I WANTED as many inversions as I could squeeze into a relatively mid-sized coaster, but it looks like I'm going to regret wanting to have that much fun. Okay, that's it...I'm grateful for any rating that I can get here, I don't wanna make a federal case out of this...but geez louise it can sure get frustrating sometimes trying to have some fun in this world!

Post August 1st, 2004, 9:45 am

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Do you make coasters JUST to get high rates? If you think it is fun, and you like it, that is ultimatly more important. Take the rates for what they are, just one persons opinion.

Post August 1st, 2004, 10:11 am

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Think about this tho - how many people would like to see 12 inversions on a real coaster? IF you're gonna do that, you need to say that it's fantasy. I don't think there are any real coasters with that many inverstions.

Post August 1st, 2004, 10:49 am

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Location: Hanford, Washington, USA
well that's the question isn't wasn't that long ago when coasters didn't have ANY inversions, now you can go to Sea World and I think Kraken has 7 or 8 of them, the envelopes are always and will always be pushed on such things, each new theme park will want to out-do the others to draw the crowds. As long as you don't design the rides to be vomit comets, I don't see why there has to be any limit to the number of times you go upside down if you're keeping the g's positive most of the time. years from now people will think kraken is old and boring compared to whatever newer rides have come along.

Post August 1st, 2004, 10:53 am

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Id ride one with 12 inversions. hell alot of the comments people make are saying that a few g's are too much for them, lol.

Post August 1st, 2004, 11:12 am
gouldy User avatar
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Well, Colossus at thrope park has 10, thats thew most on any coaster in the world, but I am sure that there is flat rides that invert more than 12 times in their duartion, so I don't think 12 is too many inversions at all. I think the problem with your track is, that the inversions are too close together and the ride really is nothing but inversions. I don't think a coaster with 12 inversions in it can be a "mid-sized" coaster, because otherwise its just inversion after inversion with no kind of feeling to the ride, like your track. I think thats what is meant by "too many inversions".

Post August 1st, 2004, 11:44 am

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you all have inspired me to make a track with many inversions. STAY TOONED!

Post August 1st, 2004, 12:19 pm

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Post August 1st, 2004, 12:37 pm

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yeah rigt,it was me, but when there are too many inversions, i mean, just make some breaks man. else you dont know where you are anymore, you get confused, and i didn't rate you down for the inversions. be glad i rated your coaster

Post August 1st, 2004, 2:46 pm

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Location: Hanford, Washington, USA
like I said in the beginning, I wasn't complaining about the rate and I was glad to get rated...the whole question is How Many Is Too Many? Obviously I put too many too close together with only three breaks in the action (one air hill, one mcbr and one lift that goes right into a dive loop). I didn't name names because I figured for sure there would be others who would make the same criticism and there have been...and thanks for the rate, RoelyWoely.

Post August 1st, 2004, 2:53 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I think there isn't really a limit, as long you think people won't be dizzy on it.
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Post August 1st, 2004, 3:09 pm

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A little off topic, but people rate my amusement parks on rct2 as if they were theme parks by saying it lacks theming. The rides are large, spread out, and stuff, just like CP's. But I still got downrated for the "lack of theming". This is enormously annoying escpecailly since I wasn't even trying to theme it. I'll take it to the rating complaints once this happens again.

Anyway, I haven't seen your track, but I don't mind having so many inversions, as long as the track is realistic. People are always trying to build "records" O the sim. I do that sometimse too, so I don't mind the fact that it has so many inversions, as long as the track is realistic.

Post August 1st, 2004, 4:18 pm

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zugzug, there isn't really a limit for inversions, as long people can see where they are and they aren't confused. i mean, if you build a track with many inversions, it needs some breaks. Cause non-stop inversions is really confusing, and definately when they're al inserted (i dont say yours are inserted, but i think most of them are.). this story above is my opinion

Post August 1st, 2004, 4:54 pm

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Hey zugzug, if its my rate that you are discussing here - Its not that you had too many inversions, its just the whole ride seems to focus on which inversion is coming up next. There were no corners, and it seemed to get repetitive. It depends on which rides you like - i'm sure this ride would be excellent in real life.

Post August 1st, 2004, 7:34 pm

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Location: Hanford, Washington, USA
it wasn't you Biggs, the owner of the critique has already spoken...and none of the elements I used were prefabs, as stated in the track info section, I made them all, I spent a lot more time than I wanted to, trying to make the track as smooth and flowing as possible. in some places I succeeded, in others I didn't. I put about 30 hours into the track, before I put the first rock in place....the rocks and trees were fast and easy compared to the track. I was aware of every flaw except one: the estop doesn't always work. I tested it once and no problem, but others have had the train die before it gets back to the station...thems the breaks. I'm not mad at anyone, just a little frustrated that of all the things that were criticized, the number of inversions took the hit because I love inversions, I've never been able to get enough of them.

Post August 1st, 2004, 8:21 pm

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I just rated it and I think you should add a little more speed. Also, It was a bit unsmooth. Just my opinion.

Post August 1st, 2004, 9:30 pm

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Location: Hanford, Washington, USA
I don't care about the rates, the critiques are more important. When an honest critique is given, I know it, and I knew the track wasn't perfect, I expected to hear criticism of it. I didn't expect to get called on the number of inversions is all (well actually, I was quite sure that DjJavixxxxx would say there were too inversions, and I didn't care). Since some of the elements were good enough that some thought them to be prefab, I got some of them right. If you read all the reviews, you'll see that some liked the colors, some didn't, some liked the inversions, some didn' other sites this same coaster has gotten totally different criticisms, so I take all of them with a grain of salt and try to figure out which ones I can improve on with my next coaster.

Post August 2nd, 2004, 5:22 am

Posts: 467
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Location: Netherlands

so my rating isn't bad, it was just a small piece of your track, the inversions. lets just forget all about it, and just go on. oh, btw, next time place such topics in rating complains [;)]

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