The park (which is on top of a mountain, requiring trams to get to) also had a homemade looking Screamin' Swing that swings you 1200 feet over the Colorado River below!
Now onto the photos!

crazy nice views from the park

I went straight to the coaster

Boo 30 minute waits...but I did get 3 rides

They did have onride photos...but I wasnt paying 20 bucks for it
Warning: excess lift photos ahead


Station area

Ready to go

Gaining speed for the first drop

Zooming by!

The only view of the slide you can get anywhere!

Onto the Swing Shot!

Getting a little closer

Im not gunna lie...I was scared

HOLY CRAP!!! It did get vertical at one point!

I have no clue what I was looking at

THE END, thanks for looking,
Jake aka Jakizle