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Gmax - A free 3D object creator

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Post February 16th, 2010, 5:48 pm

Posts: 1830
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Location: London, United Kingdom

Hey everyone

I know some of you ask where to get some free 3d software...

I use 3DS studio Max, however, i needed to create some content for Trainz ( which i am a beta tester for :D )

So they recomened Gmax, which was discontinued in 2006, but now that it is, Autodesk offer it for FREE :D

Its basicly a light version of 3D max

unfotumnaty you cant export to .3ds without a plugin / converter , which im trying to find, im too tired to look right now

Post February 16th, 2010, 7:49 pm
gouldy User avatar
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see if you can find a free .3ds export plugin for Inventor while you're at it, all the ones I've ever been able to find are trials, so there's some major issue or something with the conversion... rubbish. [lol]

Post February 17th, 2010, 1:48 am

Posts: 1018
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Location: Akron, Oh, USA

Awesome.... Free download without an ID code to use it.

Edit: Never mind.... I got it!
Cedar Point
Beach Band- June-August

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