I'm in orchestra (cello). They go to Six Flags New England once a year, but it's starting to get boring (other than Superman). My group last year accidentally lost me...twice.
I'm going into 8th grade. I must be the youngest person here. School starts September something, so I don't have my schedule yet. They have 'A' and 'B' days, and they split the year in half for some classes. Every class was 40 minutes. My schedule last year:
1(Pt1) - Technology (as in woodwork)
1(Pt2) - Home and Careers (cooking and money -_-)
2 - Science (awesome teacher)
3 - Language Arts
4A - Orchestra (cello)
4B - Gym (bleh)
5 - Math (advanced, working privately with an awful teacher)
6 - Spanish (great teacher)
7 - Lunch and Study Hall (20 minutes each)
8 - Social Studies (meh)