I'll probably just do what I always do, which is wonder why we still do this in England, and why there hasn't been a law passed, banning it to eternal damnation. It's something that people celebrate in this country when they have no actual link to it at all. It's an extremely silly American holiday that holds no validity within this country what-so-ever and, is just another excuse, albeit a lame one, for cretinous little urchins from council estates to chuff up everyone else's day, AS IF they needed another excuse.
Not that I am against it being celebrated I might add, as there is clear reason for it to be celebrated in America and as such, should stay that way, celebrated in America, where it should be... it being an American holiday, lol. I think tradition should be upheld as far as possible, where it is due, so I'm glad to see that it still goes on in America and is so important over there, but probably in the interests of tradition in this country also, I believe that it really should not be celebrated here. It bares no relevance at all to anything that ever happened in this country, we don't celebrate thanks giving, so why have we jumped on this particular holiday?
Seriously though, if the doorbell rings and it is anyone other than children under the age of 9 who are clearly not from a council estate, there will be destruction of their faces by the door, being slammed so hard... obviously, cus of the shockwave it would cause... firing them back several feet across my extremely expensive driveway from which the VAT probably payed for their entire bloody neighbourhood...
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