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halo reg codes

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Post June 10th, 2005, 4:15 am

Posts: 1065
Points on hand: 111.00 Points
Location: Pot country, Tacoland, USA
WWS we all understand what your saying. Well I love the programs that microsoft sells but hate them I dont think there is anyway to get your code back because the microsoft sobs just want your money so I dunno what you should do besides try to find the case.

Post June 10th, 2005, 1:02 pm

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Here's what I always do... I just take 10 seconds of my time, and write the product key right on the front of the CD with a sharpie as soon as I open the game. That way, I can just throw the stupid box away and not worry about losing the product key.


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