Welcome to the Hard Hat area, a brand new forum to advertise your upcoming tracks. You can use this forum to post pictures or a news about rides that are still under construction. When you want to advertise a finished track, please use the advertise track forum.
There are just two rules, one, keep all the news about one ride in one topic, so you can post updates in that topic or edit the first post with more news. Do not post a new topic for every news update you have.
And the second rule: use game icons:
When posting a topic about your track, please use these sim icons to let people know what sim the topic is about.

When you are posting something for either RCT 1 or RCT 2 please tell if any expansions are needed. You can just post this in your topic.
So when you are a posting a new topic about your NL track then use the NL icon, when posting a SM ride, the SM icon and so on.
Thanks in advance for keeping this forum clean [pshades]
Have Fun!