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Heartlining, without AHG

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Post August 10th, 2009, 7:36 pm

Posts: 134
Points on hand: 155.00 Points
Given I'm using the holiest of holies, a Mac, AHG doesn't work. I've tried doing it by hand, and I can just about approximate it, but it's pretty jerky, and there is no smoothness to the track whatsoever.

Is there an algorithm to generate a smooth simple heartline roll that I can use to input the points that I could write up in matlab?

Post August 10th, 2009, 8:03 pm

Posts: 158
Points on hand: 1,440.00 Points
I would consult Buster, or Redunleizer ( Creater of Purg ) ( If he is a Member on here )

They both have plenty of math and computer knowlege, I know that Buster is a member on here.
Cedar Point FTW

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