Hi everyone! Alot of you probably don't know me, I'm mostly at urg.com and modstothemax.net. I've been playing coasters games for a while now, mostly Ultimate Ride. I've just recently purchased Hyper Rails because I was wanting a more realistic game. I hope to get to know everyone here better and make more online friends. I'll post a HR ride one day, as soon as I get the hang of the builder, lol.[:)]
Welcome to the site princess g! If you have any questions/concerns/etc., you can direct them to an Admin or Moderator. Enjoy your stay and I hope to see some awesome coasters from you! [pshades] See you in the forums!
Welcome back [;)] I hope to see mroe from you [:D] I'd ride and rate the cd/dc rides but my computer has been very screwy lately that it hasn't been playing nice with the cd-rom.
That's ok WWS. I might not be posting too many CD or DC rides much longer, depending on what happens over at URG once the server changes. I'll be moving on to Hyper Rails.