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Say hi to the crowd of CoasterCrazians!

Post July 3rd, 2008, 9:24 pm

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 1,545.00 Points
Hello! My name is MavCoaster14, and I am really excited to be here in this community! I really like roller coasters, and I am excited to download other members' rides!

Post July 3rd, 2008, 9:26 pm

Posts: 875
Points on hand: 2,219.00 Points
Location: Columbus, Ohio; United States

Post July 3rd, 2008, 9:42 pm

Posts: 604
Points on hand: 1,495.00 Points
Location: Plano, TX, USA
Hey, and Welcome to CoasterCrazy!
Is now 15!

RIP Wildcatter, 1982-2007.

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