Hello to everyone

I stumbled upon this site via Google..I was trying to find an active forum since it seems these days roller coaster forums are kind of dead. Well anyways, I like NoLimits a lot...I bought it back when it was released but got discouraged because I had a crappy computer, and because I sucked at creating coasters with the program haha. Once I built the (much faster) computer I have now, and discovered Newton2 a few months ago, my drive to use NoLimits returned. And so, roller coasters are once again frequently on my mind like back in the day.
As for parks, I've only been to the ones in Southern California. My favorite is Knott's because SFMM is a piece of crap minus some of the roller coasters. And Disneyland is well...Disneyland.
I look forward to being a part of this community

though I don't post much in forums generally so I'll probably have less than a hundred posts in the next year haha..but I'm sure I'll be visiting here quite often just to keep up to date with the roller coaster community like I did ten years ago.