We've been online bringing lot of fun for the past 12 or 13 years and all this time we've relied on the kind donations from you, the members. It's been a very expensive run through the years and through good times and bad times, we've manage to keep the site online. Sure, we've had our moments of chaos when the site has done dark for a few days due to technical problems. For the most part, we've been here and have been happy to provide you with what I think is the best roller coaster sharing website on the internet. I might be biased on that one but lets roll with it.
With the new site, we incurred a huge expense. We're talking thousands of dollars in the way of hardware upgrade, software upgrades, software licenses and renewing software licenses needed to run the website. We've tried to run it with the minimal amount of ads and to be honest, the income from them suck! Our last check was for $12 and change back in November. $12 might get us through 24 hours...
We do have premium accounts, but not enough premium members to cover 15% of our expenses...
As you can see, we don't make any kind of profit. We've never had a year of profits. It's all been a loss. Well, a loss of money. We simply can't put a monetary value on the people we've come to know. We like all of you, except cool5. Just kidding, we also like him. Even if it appears we hate you, we like that you are here.
I'm here hoping to see if you can show us some love and help us out with the hefty bills we encounter on a monthly basis. I know some of you will ask for how much we pay for hosting, and even if you know that number, that doesn't take into consideration the many other costs mentioned above. Let alone the several hours we spend here to make sure everything is working right both as a community and from the technical side.
If you can spare a buck or two or maybe more, will you help us out? Just click the Donate button in the menu and you can help us out through PayPal.
Thank you very much,
Oscar and Mike