Hi guys!
As you may already have read in my introduction topic, I'm working on a recreation of a Japanese Ferris wheel and another flatride.
Daikanransha - Japanese Ferris wheel
This is the original Ferris wheel which I will try to recreate.
My first attempt at creating the base (not a big succes).
My second attempt at creating the base which is a lot better in my opinion. I watched a lot of pictures to try to make it as accurate as possible and cool5 also helped with a lot of feedback. It still misses about 30 or 40 supports though.
I'm planning to make it move like the original (one ride will be 16 minutes) and rideable through the onride camera. I also wan't to try to make it rideable by just walking in a cabin of the wheel but this could be difficult because the doors of the wheel are pretty narrow so maybe it won't be easy to just jump in one of them.
Huss Inverted Topspin
The second flatride I'm working on is a Huss Inverted Topspin like Talocan at Phantasialand. I've made a minimalistic model of a topspin which is actually only a few bars attached to each other but it's enough to create some code and test it.
This is what I got so far. I want to try to make the movements very realistic so I've created some code which can swing the seats back and forth in a pretty realistic manner.
When most of the programming is done on this ride, I will try to make a realistic model of the ride and add a few extra things like the restraints and moving loading platform. It will also probably have a onride camera.
The whole point of making a lot of code to just let the seats swing is that the ride program should be easy to change. So if everything goes well You'll be able to place the Topspin in a park and edit the ride program yourself (make it more extreme for a park full with mega coasters or just turn it into a slow weird Japanese Ferris wheel thing ). It will probably be pretty difficult to achieve this goal but I do like a good challenge!