We started on the 17th me and my friends Greg and Frank. We arrived at Hershey park 2hrs ahead of schedule, we were the 5th car in the parking lot (no joke). Once the park opened since I haven't ridden a coaster in a while I insisted we started with an entry level coaster, so first we rode Wildcat, my first wooden twister, and my first exposure to Millennium Flyer Trains. Greg and I rode 4th row back, and Frank rode back row. There's not much else to report on Wildcat.
Next was Fahrenheit, I had no idea what to expect from this coaster, all I had to rest on were the previous Intamins i've ridden knowing they've been rough and unpleasant to ride. We got on line for a 30min wait, i'm surprised even with those small trains the line really never stopped moving. When we got to the station me and Greg rode second row, and Frank third. My previous experiences on intamins need not apply to this ride, it was glass smooth, and incredibly forceful, easily replaced El Toro as my #1 coaster.
After Fahrenheit we rode Lightning Racer, 2 notes for this ride, #1 I have been waiting to ride this coaster for years, after watching videos, and looking at pictures it was surreal to finally be able to ride it (and both sides did not disappoint) #2 we had big plans for the on ride photo. frank 2 days earlier set up a rig of card and we decided to play poker on the ride (pictured below)(i'm greay shirt front right, Greg is second row, Frank is front left)

After both sides of Lightning Racer we went for Storm Runner. This was another ride similar to Lightning Racer, i've been waiting for years to ride it, the wait was short, we got onto the steps into the station and it broke, we waited but once they pushed the train back into the station we left for Great Bear.
Great Bear was the longest wait of the day, but it was completely worth it, Frank is big, so we had to ride 5th row. I had preconceptions of this ride, after reading that it was boring, and forceless I didn't expect much, which mean I was shocked when it turned out to be amazing. After Great Bear we ate, shared a biog thing of boardwalk fries.
SooperDooperLooper came next, my first Schwartzkopt coaster, and again I was not disappointed at all, it was faster than expected, more forceful than expected, and just a lot more fun that I expected. After SooperDooperLooper the lines were getting long, we were getting tired, so we headed for the last essetial coaster for the day: Storm Runner.
This coaster not only met my expectations it again it exceeded (it seems to be a reoccurring theme in this park). Being used to the Top hat on Ka where it slows down a lot on the top I expected the same on Storm Runner, got nothing like it, insane airtime, and that Flying Snake dive, DAMN!. The good news is after the ride.....I didn't have to pee anymore.
After the park we went to chocolate world, went on the tour and shopped around a bit, then headed out for the hotel a Hampton Inn in Danville, we chose that because it was only 14mins from Knoebels.
Hope you enjoyed my long TR for a day in Hershey, overall I liked the park, and loved the coasters....I just hated the layout, it seemed like they just throw any rides they can in the middle of a walk way.
Stick around tomorrow for Knoebels because I dont feel like typing anymore.