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Hersheypark Skyrush Contest

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Post January 25th, 2012, 6:17 am
GavG Premium Member
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This is taken directly from the Hersheypark Official Site

Hersheypark Skyrush Contest

Submit your Skyrush video for a chance to win a Hersheypark Season Pass! Your video will also be highlighted at Hersheypark and on!

The attached toolkit contains approved logos, ride specifications and music tracks to assist you in the creation of your video. Any videos containing music other than these approved tracks will be disqualified. Entries must be under 2 minutes in length and file size must be 100 mb or smaller.

The deadline to submit entries is Thursday, February 16th. Videos will be judged on the following criteria: Accuracy of Ride Experience -30%, Accuracy of Background - 20%, Excitement - 25% and Adherence to the Submission Requirements - 25%.

Toolkit Download

Just saw this while looking for fresh news. Looks like a cool contest. Anyone think they will enter?

Post January 25th, 2012, 6:59 am
A.S.C. User avatar
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Nope, the sound files they give don't work with Pinnacle.

Post January 25th, 2012, 8:01 am

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Submitting a recreation of a being-built coaster that we only have layout and horrible NL recreation?
I'm sorry to say I won't.

Post January 25th, 2012, 9:24 am

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They don't ask a recreation, but a teaser video, with the musics, facts and logos they give.

Post January 25th, 2012, 11:16 am

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Yeah I think I'll enter, since I live relatively close and was definitely going next year. With a season pass I'd also be able to take my at least one family member for free, so it'll save there too. The contest and prize is kinda a steal for the park, but I figure I like NL so while I'd prefer to continue my (slightly overwhelming) current projects right now, it won't hurt to delay them a little and put something together. I think I can do the scene pretty well without taking too much time...which is good because my Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday evenings are booked through March at least, and I work 9-5 (which usually ends up being 9-5:45 or later lol).

Only thing I'm slightly worried about is the judges having no clue about anything. I entered another Hersheypark affiliated, national coaster contest (RCT2, a while ago) and won a candy bar with like 1000 other people, and the kid who took the first prize entered a TERRIBLE coaster...but he happened to be like 10 years old and live near Hershey. I call serious shenanigans on that one. With that said, I think the quality of the entry is much more important this time since I'm sure they want basically free advertising, so that makes me think the same thing won't happen. So I think I can take it...but there are a lot of talented designers around so we'll see what happens. I have a trick or two up my sleeves that should help too.

Too bad they didn't release the NL trains for the contest though. That would've been pretty awesome lol.

Post January 25th, 2012, 12:35 pm

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Perhaps I'll give this a shot. Doesn't look like a terribly complicated design.

Post January 25th, 2012, 12:37 pm

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Originally posted by LeFLO

Submitting a recreation of a being-built coaster that we only have layout and horrible NL recreation?
I'm sorry to say I won't.

It seems they copied Thorpe Park's Idea that
Swarm's Official Trailer contains my Swarm recreation Video

Post January 25th, 2012, 12:55 pm

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Post January 25th, 2012, 1:19 pm

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Originally posted by dcs221

Did you get paid for that?

Maybe a Season pass or VIP for opening ceremony

Post January 25th, 2012, 1:41 pm

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Ask for real money then lol...though I will say, to be fair, you yourself like to take peoples' things without asking and use them how you please.

Post January 25th, 2012, 7:08 pm
TheArchitect User avatar
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Originally posted by hzgarfield

Originally posted by dcs221

Did you get paid for that?

Maybe a Season pass or VIP for opening ceremony

Or give it to someone who lives in the UK? lol, hint hint prod prod

Post January 25th, 2012, 7:45 pm

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Originally posted by dcs221

Ask for real money then lol...though I will say, to be fair, you yourself like to take peoples' things without asking and use them how you please.

I would actually be glad if a real park stole my NL video for use everywhere. I would feel special!

Way to go HZ! I see that in the description they credited you. That's really cool!

Post January 25th, 2012, 8:17 pm
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That would make me feel special (like AJ), that's insane that they actually found your video and used it for a ride they're making.

Post January 26th, 2012, 9:09 am

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thats awesome! As mentioned before, I would feel special if this was me! And its crazy that they used yours! Looking good!
It's been a long time
Youtube Channel:

Post February 12th, 2012, 3:43 pm

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Is anyone planning on doing this or has every one baled?

Post February 12th, 2012, 3:50 pm

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I decided not to do it. Even if I make an awesome recreation, they'll end up picking something really dumb.

Post May 5th, 2012, 7:16 pm

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Where can I download the winning ride of this contest at?

Post May 6th, 2012, 10:17 am
A.S.C. User avatar
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The winner was JetPulse, and his was an animation made in 3DSsMax. There is no download up for it.

Post May 6th, 2012, 8:24 pm

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