Originally posted by mekid21
yeah, I can't believe its AO, its so gay. oh and the sex is in PC, Xbox and PS2 versions. anyone know where I can still buy the PS2 version? stores have stopped selling it, and I don't want it after they edit the game back down to M, that version will suck
yeah, I can't believe its AO, its so gay. oh and the sex is in PC, Xbox and PS2 versions. anyone know where I can still buy the PS2 version? stores have stopped selling it, and I don't want it after they edit the game back down to M, that version will suck
I actually managed to but it at Blockbuster for $9.99 because it didn't have the box art.[;)] The edited version will actually not have sex in it except for Hookers. Originally, you would get to go in your girl-friends house and get it on (not the Hot Coffee style...) and that was somewhat dirty, but they edited that out, too. [xx(]