I'm having an issue with a normal force pump in the top of a lift. For the transition to level out the lift, I have two options:
1: Use curved geometry and transition to multi-zone force. This creates a pump.
2: Use multi-zone force for the whole thing, but in order to keep the geometry of the lift from being impossibly small, I have to change the lift speed in Newton to make the geometry better; this will trick Newton into thinking that the train is going faster than it will really go and thus will create a larger, smoother crest of the lift hill. However, what this does is that it skews the results of the G forces, so the results of what I see in Newton will be different than I will see in the simulator because I am using a slower speed on the lift hill than I entered into Newton.
Is there a way to have both a smooth transition between curved geometry and multi-zone force, or is there a way to make a proper sized hill crest with multi-zone force at slow speed, whilst keeping the G's in Newton accurate?