Coastercazy din'nt say that it was coastercazyethan 686 you should tell him not to be a jurk and tell him that I have a lering disablty and can'nt spell the way peole with out a diablty can spell I aslo have astim so it is hard for me to spell and do math and make frends like nomal peole do it is aslo hard for me to do things with my hands becuse I have bad moterskills that is way I sated in scholl until I was 21 becuse I need help with somethings like spelling math and some socal skills so It is hard for me to do things like a nomal person can do. I hope that I exped myself a liitle bit better if anyone else needs to know about my disabutly plese pm me and I will be gald to tell you about myself. I don'nt think that having a disabuty is funny and peole with disabuties shoun'nt be treed badey.