Some stats:
Name: Hybrid
Builder: GCI & Dirk Ermen
Length: 1076,59m (3 532 ft)
Height: 34,5m (113 ft)
Max speed: 83km/u ( 51,5 mph)
Average speed: 50km/u (31 mph)
Max vertical G's: +4g, -1,2g
Max lats: +/- 1,4g
Trains: 2
Cars per train: 10
Riders per train: 20
Duration ride: 2min
Capicity per hour: 700 people
The screens:

First high turn

3rd turn

outcoming the 3rd turn into the 4th

airtime hill over the lifthill

one of the many airtime spots

Overview 1

Overview 2
Enjoy and comments are always welcome [8D]