Now jamp up land will run much faster and I can run NL2 at max settings!! I now want to fill jamp up land with 50 more jet coasters and a half square mile of carnival rides, Mc Donald restaurants and more Chinese knockoff rides!
I just built a very similar setup via PC Part Picker, though I had to improvise since Dell doesn't indicate things like the mobo, case, RAM model, CPU cooler, hard drive models, power supply, or even the specific model of the GTX960. That being said, I still configured one several hundred dollars less than what Dell wants, and typically pre-builts come with el cheapo parts for things such as the mobo, PSU, case, and coolers. Plus, custom builds don't have bloatware installed onto them which no doubt Dell has done.
There are so many gamers who think they need an i7, and then they skimp on the GPU. Unless you're doing professional rendering, you will never need an i7. In fact, it's highly unlikely you will max out an i5. It's smarter to use an i5 CPU and put the savings toward a better GPU which will be easily bottlenecked depending on the game. The GTX960 is going to be the Achilles heel for this system, and it may experience some struggles with NL2, especially having only 2GB of VRAM.
I am very happy with mine. I think if you did a little research, and built it yourself, you could get a MUCH nicer computer for that price. the i7($350) is a very nice processor but its also very expensive. (I'll probably get some flak for this but) I found the AMD 8350($140) was just as good if not a little better and its about half the price. Like someone else said, I would also get a better video card. also there really isn't any need for 24GB of ram. I have 8GB of ram and never use more than 6. Building it yourself is really very easy, and will save you a lot of money. If you choose to build it yourself, one thing I learned when I built mine was DONT BUY A CHEAP POWER SUPPLY. get a nice one or it will go out in a month.
The computer has already been purchased. If I tried to build a computer I would possibly create a big electric explosion, a house with all the fuses blown and maybe start a house fire, a melted down computer or a just a totally non functioning computer tower. I have ABSOLUTELY no clue how to build a computer.