I really liked that jet coaster but you next time should make all the catwalk railings a small wooden beam. That's what I do on my jet coasters. What is your next jet coaster planned to be?
Cool5, I must say I love each of your creations, because you are so faithful and inspired to/by the source material, and fill a niche in the coaster scheme that is uploaded on this site.
However, I'd love to see you build something else, stepping out of your comfort zone, aside of woodies and jet Coasters. Maybe a classic arrow looper, considering jet coasters and old arrows have a similar (painful)shaping. Something big and initimidating, in the Drachen Fire and Viper league, or even mixed those together with a spaghetti bowl coaster. This is only a suggestion, but I'm curious to see how you'd apply your knowledge to building such a ride.
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.