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Post August 19th, 2010, 2:58 pm
jayman Premium Member
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oportunistic people bug me, espescially when they hide behind things like religion, and most of all when they hide behind a religion that is incompatible with the civilized world.

Post August 19th, 2010, 3:06 pm

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So true,man I've seen a tape of a security cam inside a car tunnel,you see the traffic,then one car stops two guys come out,take out their carpets and pray IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!You see there isn't even need to blow up a bomb to cause a traffic jam,I accept other religions but they should act more comfortable to the "civilized" world...

Post August 19th, 2010, 3:44 pm

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i respect other religions since i dont follow one but dress code is a dress code, even here in the uk (to worlds most religous tollerant country) people cannot work with any kind of headware in a public place.

she will lose the case, and just in it for the money
Making screams come true

Post August 20th, 2010, 12:35 am

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Im not too sure she will lose. Only in america can you sue for spilling hot coffee in your lap, get hit by a train by having sex on the tracks, and for drying your hair in the bathtub with an electric hair drier and WIN. There was a lady who went to a mcdonalds about 20 miles from my house and ordered a coffee and places it between her knees, driving out she hits a speed bumb, opening it and burning her. She sued the company for 3 mil and won. Our country fails.

Post August 20th, 2010, 12:42 am

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Dude, you live that close to where that happened? They made a love Seinfeld episode that parodied that.

On this case, they are likely to pull the first amendment on this. Disney is however, not a public business, and she knew damn well that there was a dress code. I do not believe freedom of religion should apply to this case.

Post August 20th, 2010, 1:37 am
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by B and M

Im not too sure she will lose. Only in america can you sue for spilling hot coffee in your lap, get hit by a train by having sex on the tracks, and for drying your hair in the bathtub with an electric hair drier and WIN. There was a lady who went to a mcdonalds about 20 miles from my house and ordered a coffee and places it between her knees, driving out she hits a speed bumb, opening it and burning her. She sued the company for 3 mil and won. Our country fails.

she didnt win that money on account of her spilling coffee on her thighs. that's a myth .the case to which you refer involved much much more. she didnt sue the comapny for much more than what it cost for her treatment, which was no where near 100 thousand dollars, let alon 3 million . mc donalds was found negligent in that they kept their coffee far too hot in order to raise the " aromatic factor of it ' the lawsuit involved the fact that the burns she'd recived would not have happened if the coffee had been at responsible temperatures. mc donalds refused to pay her for her initial claim, which, while she shouldn't have spilled it on herself, the coffee was hot enough to actually give her burns no coffee should have given. after mc donalds refused to claim responsibility for the severity of the burns she recieived punitive charges were pressed against them , they came close to about 1.6 million and she probabally got much much less.
. this story is over used and invalid,and like in most cases where people bring it up, totally false in many ways. ... estaurants KOOL AID DRINKER FAIL !!!!!

Post August 20th, 2010, 11:10 am
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Not likely to win, she should read her employment contract with Disney. It will probably get stayed because there is an arbitration clause in it.

Post August 20th, 2010, 3:35 pm

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little peice of history

Walt Disney himself was an INCREDIBLE racist. He hated black people, He DESPISED the Jewish faith, and he supported naziism in WWII.

Post August 20th, 2010, 3:56 pm

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Really?I never heard about that,poop im very surprised,but that would explain why there are no immigrant mices and jewish ducks in his perfect world...
(Lol,jewish duck,how would that look like?)

Post August 20th, 2010, 4:40 pm

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Originally posted by coasterpimp

Dude, you live that close to where that happened? They made a love Seinfeld episode that parodied that.

On this case, they are likely to pull the first amendment on this. Disney is however, not a public business, and she knew damn well that there was a dress code. I do not believe freedom of religion should apply to this case.

Yeah dude it was sad. I've actually been to that mcdonalds, nice people, the speed bumb wasn't that bad haha. And jay, the story has probably been changed many times, thats the version i hear every week. While the coffee was too hot and shouldn't have given her burns, she also wouldn't have recieved burns if she didnt put the coffee in her lap. Yeah they probably make it too hot but common sence would say that you dont put hot coffee inbetween your legs.

Post August 20th, 2010, 4:50 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by nolimitsfan38

little peice of history

Walt Disney himself was an INCREDIBLE racist. He hated black people, He DESPISED the Jewish faith, and he supported naziism in WWII.
that is so untrue it's not even funny . who the hell told you that? the person who told you that is a liar .. and you are an idiot for repeating something so stupid


Post August 20th, 2010, 6:45 pm

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Post August 20th, 2010, 7:09 pm
jayman Premium Member
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the internet is full of idiots and people who repeat what they say .

Post August 20th, 2010, 8:10 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post August 20th, 2010, 10:22 pm
Mikey User avatar
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Disney was only like that because he felt it was a direct threat to his business.

Post August 20th, 2010, 11:16 pm
jayman Premium Member
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? the dude wasnt racist.. more than a little insensitive on occasions, but NEVER allied himself with the nazis or their ideals. he may have had ties to germans,before the war, but as a film director one would think that was a kinda a smart thing to do if you want people in another country to see your movies.
and keep in mind cracked magazine is satire, along with commentary . if yourd read that article more than subtley pointed out that calling the dude a straight up racist wwas a stretch .

Post August 20th, 2010, 11:54 pm

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Disney being a racist is an uneducated statement. That stuff on wasn't any shred of proof. Im not gonna call disney a racist if his cartoons show some racism (which i saw very little if any in the sequences shown on cracked.) If your gonna call disney a racist get a quote directly from him. Im gonna use the 2nd exapmle from cracked where it said
"Lesson Learned:
The late 1800s were a great time to be African-American and possibly on acid."
Im not even sure how this looked racist by anymeans. There is no evidence that it is set in the 1800's. The guy sees a rabit bording up his door getting ready to leave. Racism? I see none. And in the 9th one, he need words that rhymed. Plus, aladin takes place in the middle east, have you herd of the taliban? I see no racism at all on that page just a guy who doesn't like disney so he spent time watching movies to try to say "dude he is so racist look at these examples which prove nothing".

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