Did anyone stop to think that back in Noahs day maybe not every animal that we have today existed?
The beauty of being a Christian and believeing in God and His power is that things like this we just accept and move on because its beyond our realm of thinking. There are things and mysteries to which the human brain cannot even begin to comprehend - even with science.
It is at those things, which are called miracles, that our brains just shut off. Could any doctor explain why my blood mass disappeared and never showed a trace that it even existed? No. Science is like a computer. Its only as smart as the person who invented it. Therefore, what we can grasp is only what we can comprehend. God is far more than we can comprehend so many things we cannot grasp.
Its at that point that we believe by faith. Why? Because what good does it do to sit around day after day trying to break the mystery that either cannot be solved, or, if solved, has no bearing on the reason we are here to begin with? (To love God and everyone) You cant.
I find that most of these "mysteries" are natural hang-ups for humans because the answer exists beyond the capability of the human mind. Many things will never be answered and thats the way it will always be.
Like why The Edge is the way he is. We will never know why