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I want to record my ride on my coasters

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Post August 16th, 2004, 6:37 pm

Posts: 7
Points on hand: 276.00 Points
but i don't know what to record them with i used Fraps trial but that isn't good enough, so i was looking for the full verison if so Pm me, or does anybody know any other good recorders>?

Post August 16th, 2004, 9:53 pm

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I tried it too but when the video was made, it didn't load. Probably because I was in the editor then jumped to the simulator.

Post August 16th, 2004, 10:48 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by Gamer99

but i don't know what to record them with i used Fraps trial but that isn't good enough, so i was looking for the full verison if so Pm me, or does anybody know any other good recorders>?

I can see that your suggesting some one give you a pirated version? Or are you just merely confused, or have you confused us? Anyways, you can buy the full version off of the site, I was going to buy it, but then it turned out to be $30 and i didn't have that kinda money, but if I did, I would, I'm pretty sure its worth every penny, if you use it enough

Post August 16th, 2004, 11:31 pm

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The old version of FRAPS was a whole version that was freeware, in which I still have...but it's a really old version. I think that should be safe to give you being as it was made and distributed as freeware. But I'm not gonna take any action unless someone else can confirm this.
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Post August 17th, 2004, 10:02 am

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no,no, no you don't understand i wanted someone with the full verison of fraps to tell me what added features you get in it, i'm not a pirate or are there other good recorders?

Post August 18th, 2004, 10:19 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by Gamer99

no,no, no you don't understand i wanted someone with the full verison of fraps to tell me what added features you get in it, i'm not a pirate or are there other good recorders?

arrrr.... well, you can record full versions of whatever you want, good for demos, if your gonna record a lot, then I'm sure it would be good. You always could record onto a video camera by using your Video OUt thing in the back of your video card.

Post August 27th, 2004, 12:04 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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look on google for screen recorders, i found some programs there but they put a logo on your movie...
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