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IAAPA accepting nominations for board positions

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IAAPA is now accepting nominations for the 2013 third vice chair and board of directors.

The board of directors oversees IAAPA and determines the association?????????s goals, objectives, and priorities. The third vice chair will proceed through the positions of second and first vice chair to assume the position of chairman of the board in 2016. The IAAPA nominating committee, led by Darrell Metzager, Themed Attractions and Resorts, will recommend candidates to the board in September for approval.

IAAPA strongly encourages nominations from all facility types and geographic areas. While the selection process is largely based on each individual?????????s qualifications, the association strives to achieve a balance of geography, facility size, and industry segments among directors.

Online nomination forms and qualification criteria are available on the IAAPA website:

- Third Vice Chair
- Facility and Life Director
- Manufacturer and Supplier Director

Questions about nominating someone for the board or third vice chair positions, can be addressed to Susan Mosedale at ... positions/

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