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Ideas for TNG NoLimits

All discussion relation to NoLimits Coaster 2 should be posted here. Purchase NoLimits Coaster from this page: nolimits-coaster-2-purchase-and-upgrade-links-t32524.html

Post July 18th, 2018, 11:44 am
Blade User avatar
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The purpose for these ideas that I???m suggesting to the development team for the next generation NL (if or when there are any development plans) is to make the GUI more organized and simplified and providing methods that provides more control on accuracy while maintaining smoothness for the track layout designing process than the current generation.
Below is all that I???ve done so far. Thanks in advance for spending time on reading the ideas that I???ve explained.

GUI Editor Menu Buttons
File, Coaster, Undo, I, M, History List, Redo, Park, and View.
View the speed and measurements in imperial (I) or metric (M) values.
Pressing on the escape key would allow you to select segments or objects to modify, move the coaster???s layout, or move objects.
GUI Editor Buttons.jpg

Panel Buttons
Minimize, Help, Accept, and Cancel. The panel would close after clicking on accept or cancel.
Panel Buttons.jpg
Panel Buttons.jpg (14.05 KiB) Viewed 1502 times

Segment Options
Double left clicking on the segment would bring up its options.

Transparent catwalks (TC), tunnel. Spine Color Scheme (SCS), Spine Type, and Tie Spacing would have the same affect and functionality as in the current generation.

Railings and Catwalks (R&C): none, left, right, or both.

Railing Lights (RL): left click on the check mark box to enable the lights which would automatically turn on at night and on one or both sides based on the selected R&C option.

Individual Colors: rails, cross ties, main spine, handrails, catwalks, and supports.
Changing a colored box???s color that???s check marked would apply to all other colored boxes that have check marks.

Delay Action (DA): delays a selected object???s action in seconds (S).

Add (A): this button brings up the file panel to search and select the object to add its name to the action list which you can have it displayed by clicking the arrow button.

Group (G): left clicking this button would group selected objects that are on the action list making them all activate at once instead of one at a time.

Ungroup (UG): left clicking this button would ungroup selected objects.

Segment Type: displays a list of segment types such as station, lift, brake etc to select from with their own options displayed below the line.
Segment Options.jpg
Segment Options.jpg (217.26 KiB) Viewed 1502 times

Coaster Menu
Add (New Coaster, Saved Coaster, Supports, Segment, Spiral, and Saved Element), Save Element, Copy (Normal, Mirror), Modify, Complete, Play, Delete Coaster, Coaster Options, Mirror Layout, and Select Coaster.
New coaster would have the same affect and functionality as in the current generation.
Saved coaster would have the same affect and functionality as import coaster.
Coaster Menu.jpg
Coaster Menu.jpg (126.21 KiB) Viewed 1502 times

Mirror Layout
Select a side that would add a mirrored copy of the original layout to the park. Input a spacing value to effect the distance between the mirrored layout and the original.
Mirror Layout.jpg
Mirror Layout.jpg (61.84 KiB) Viewed 1502 times

Save Element
Saves selected segments as an element file. Before saving you???ll be promoted to choose a location, add a name, and preview image which would have a small window just showing the selected segments and an option to show a white background or an empty park.
Using the mouse curser within the window you can zoom in and out by using the mouse wheel and use the curser to rotate the element by dragging to the desired direction while holding down the left mouse button.

(Add) Saved Element
Add a saved element file to the coaster???s track layout.

Play mode would have the same affect and functionality as in the current generation.
Confirmation would be given before going to play mode if you haven???t saved your park.
In play mode there would be a stop command by using a given hotkey that would bring you to the editor. Confirmation would be given before going to the editor.

Coaster Options
Coaster: name of coaster, Designer: name of designer, and Description
Coaster Options Info.jpg
Coaster Options Info.jpg (160.3 KiB) Viewed 1502 times

Load Scheme (LS): opens its panel to load a selected color scheme file.

Save Scheme (SS): opens its panel where you would add a name and select a location to save the colors shown in the boxes as a color scheme file.

All Trains (AT): check marking this would make all trains have the same colors shown in the boxes.

Remove (R): removes selected train from the track

Same Color Scheme (SCS): makes all of the selected train???s cars have the same colors shown in the boxes. Pressing the SCS button while AT is check marked would additionally make all of the other train???s cars have the same colors shown in the boxes.

Clearance (C): effects the clearance distance from the top, bottom (inverted coasters), and left and right sides of the coaster in feet or meters. Segments become highlighted when the clearance isn???t wide enough. There would be some kind of indication on which side???s lacks clearance.

The preview window below would show changes made to the selected train???s cars.
Using the mouse curser within the window you can zoom in and out by using the mouse wheel and use the curser to rotate the train by dragging to the desired direction while holding down the left mouse button.
Coaster Options Coaster.jpg
Coaster Options Coaster.jpg (350.57 KiB) Viewed 1502 times

Layout Position (LP): use the arrow buttons to move the coaster???s layout left, right, forwards, or backwards by default one foot or meter. You can also move the layout in top view by dragging to the desired direction while holding down the left mouse button onto a segment.

Snap Value (SV): input the values to effect how much to move the layout when using the arrow buttons or in top view.

Elevation (E): shows the coaster???s first add segment???s elevation that can be changed which would move the coaster???s layout up or down in feet or meters.

Horizontal Rotation (HR): input your preferred number that???s in degrees to rotate the layout.

Preview Image (PI): add a preview image of the coaster???s layout to show when selecting the name of the coaster that???s in the park or when adding one from a different park.
Adding a preview image would use the same mechanics when saving an element.

GF Limits: input the values to indicate when they turn red on the readout view. The values turn yellow when they reach half the GF limit values.

Linear Force (LF): the rate of g-force based on how fast the coaster speeds up or slows down.

Current Stats: shows the layout???s max stat values such as top speed in miles or kilometers per hour, max length in feet or meters, and max g-forces. Double left clicking on a max g-force would bring you to the segment and select it that has the max g-force.

Wireframe Color (WC): color for selected segments that???s viewed in wireframe.

3D Color (3DC): color for selected segments that???s viewed in 3D. The 3D option would be selectable under the view menu.
Coaster Options Layout.jpg
Coaster Options Layout.jpg (306.42 KiB) Viewed 1502 times

Adds a segment that connects to the plug and socket making the circuit complete.
By default No Limits would classify an incomplete circuit as a shuttle coaster.

(Add) Segment
By default each added segment would be selectable as an individual track piece and straight with a default length. Adding a segment in front of the socket or plug would replace them with a teal ball. Double left clicking on a vertex that???s in-between two segments would add a segment in-between them.
Left clicking on a segment while holding down the shift key would add and center a vertex in-between the segment splitting it in two segments which wouldn???t affect their length, formation, and banking of their rails.
Deleting a selected segment that???s in-between two non selected segments would make the two non selected segments connect to each other unless the coaster???s track layout is a complete circuit then the two non selected segments wouldn???t connect to each other.
Deleting a selected vertex that???s in-between two segments would make the two segments become one selectable segment.

Post July 18th, 2018, 11:55 am
Blade User avatar
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When adding a segment, spiral, or element in front of the selected segment there alignment would stay relative to the selected segment???s heading.
Relative Heading Before And After Adding.jpg

Any segments in front of the selected segment that???s getting changed would follow the selected segment???s heading.
Relative Heading Before And After Change.jpg
Relative Heading Before And After Change.jpg (81.43 KiB) Viewed 1500 times

When adding a spiral or element in front of the selected segment any segments in front of the spiral or element that???s been added would follow their heading. Same effect applies when double left clicking on a vertex that???s in-between two segments to add a segment in-between them.
Relative Heading Before And After Adding In-Between.jpg
Relative Heading Before And After Adding In-Between.jpg (93.14 KiB) Viewed 1500 times

This would create a spaced or a non spaced spiral.

Guide: Selected Radius (SR): shows the selected segment???s vertical (v) or horizontal (h) radius in feet or meters.

Change (C): changes the direction of the spiral.

Change Spacing (CS): changes the direction of the spacing.

Horizontal: spiral left or right.

Vertical: spiral up or down.

Heartline: makes the spiral heartline left or right.

Corkscrew: makes the spiral corkscrew left or right.

Extend (E): extends the spiral in degrees.

Repeat Extension (RE): repeats the extension x more times.

Per Degree (PD): adds a vertex every x degrees.

Radius Start (RS): affects the size of the spiral at the start in feet or meters.

Radius End (RE): affects the size of the spiral at the end in feet or meters.

Synchronize (S): synchronizes both start and end radius???s values when enabled.

Spacing: affects the space between the start and end of the spiral in feet or meters.
Selecting horizontal would make the spiral space upward or downward.
Selecting vertical would make the spiral space left or right.
Selecting heartline would make the spiral space outward. Change would only be available for the spiral.
Selecting corkscrew would make the spiral space outward. Change would only be available for the spiral.
Spiral GUI.jpg
Spiral GUI.jpg (124.28 KiB) Viewed 1500 times


Corkscrew Spiral.jpg

Select Coaster
When selecting a coaster that???s in your park the screen would automatically move to its location to view and/or select segments.

Post July 18th, 2018, 12:17 pm
Blade User avatar
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NL Modify.jpg
NL Modify.jpg (117.37 KiB) Viewed 1492 times

Guides: vertical curve value (VCV) and horizontal curve value (HCV) shows the segment???s curve value that???s behind the selected segment in degrees.
Elevation (E) shows the highest/lowest point of the selected track segment???s rails in feet or meters.
Highest or Lowest Point.jpg

Vertical Curve (VC): widens or narrows the selected segment???s curve up or down in degrees and can also make a selected straight segment into a curve.

Horizontal Curve (HC): same as above but left or right in degrees.
Modify Vertical Curve.jpg
Modify Vertical Curve.jpg (32.45 KiB) Viewed 1492 times

Modify Before And After Curving Track Piece.jpg

Bank: rotates the selected segment???s rails left or right in degrees.
Modify Bank.jpg
Modify Bank.jpg (71.5 KiB) Viewed 1492 times

Roll: rotates the selected segment as a whole left or right in degrees (requires the selected segment to be curved).
Modify Before And After Roll.jpg

Length: makes the selected segment longer or shorter in feet or meters and also affects the size of the selected segment???s curve without affecting its angle.

Scale: effects the length of the selected segment or segments in percent (requires the selected segment/s to be curved).
Modify Before And After Scale.jpg

Vertical Spacing (VS): spaces out two or more selected curved segments up or down in feet or meters.
Modify Before And after Vertical Spacing.jpg
Modify Before And after Vertical Spacing.jpg (126.17 KiB) Viewed 1492 times

Horizontal Spacing (HS): spaces out two or more selected curved segments left or right in feet or meters.
Modify Before And After Horizontal Spacing.jpg
Modify Before And After Horizontal Spacing.jpg (150.24 KiB) Viewed 1492 times

Heartline (H): heartlines the selected segment left or right in degrees.
Radius (R): effects the size of the heartline in feet or meters.
Heartlining also effects the segment???s rails.
Modify Heartline.jpg
Modify Heartline.jpg (126.19 KiB) Viewed 1492 times

Post July 18th, 2018, 12:23 pm
Blade User avatar
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Match Heading (MH): changes the vertical, horizontal, or both of the selected segment???s curve to match a different segment???s heading by first clicking on the match heading button and then click on a segment to make the selected segment match it???s heading.
Match Heading.jpg

Match Radius (MR): making changes to the selected segment???s curve while this is check marked will effect it???s length in order to match the vertical, horizontal, or both of the segment???s radius that???s behind the selected segment eliminating any unintentional small pumps or jerks.

Serpentine Shape (SS): makes the selected segment form a serpentine shape left or right in degrees which helps make a smoother transition.
Serpentine Shape.jpg
Serpentine Shape.jpg (159.03 KiB) Viewed 1491 times

Match Elevation (ME): adjusts the selected segment???s length to make highest/lowest point of the selected track segment???s rails to match the given elevation in feet or meters.

Align Plug
Makes the selected segment or segments measurement values align the last segment relative to the socket???s heading.

Post July 18th, 2018, 12:42 pm
Blade User avatar
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True Addicts

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Copy Normal/Mirror
Selecting normal would add a copy of the selected segment or segments facing the same direction while mirror would add a copy facing the opposite direction.
Before And After Normal or Mirror Copy.jpg
Before And After Normal or Mirror Copy.jpg (83.06 KiB) Viewed 1484 times

View Menu
Readout, Park (Top, Front, Back, Left, Right, and Perspective), Scenery, Supports, Design, 3D/Wireframe, Fewer Segments
View Menu.jpg
View Menu.jpg (96.57 KiB) Viewed 1484 times

Speed (S) Miles (M) Kilometers (K) per hour, Vertical (V) G-force, Lateral (L) G-force, and Linear Force (LF).
Last (L): shows the readout values of the train???s last car when enabled. This option wouldn???t be available if there isn???t more than one car per train.
The G-force values that come up yellow would be half of the G-force value limits which would be changeable under the layout tab that???s under the coaster properties.
The readout values can also be used as a guide that updates in real-time as changes are being made to each segment.
Switch between the + or ??? sign to view the g-forces in positive or negative values.
Readout.jpg (45.66 KiB) Viewed 1484 times

Same view functionality as in the current generation.

Shows or hides scenery.

Shows or hides supports.

In this view you can use the curser to rotate the track layout by dragging to the desired direction while holding down the left mouse button and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. Each time you select to a different segment the layout would move making the next selected segment centered on the screen.
This view would have a background.
Design View.jpg

View the track layout and supports in 3D or wireframe. In 3D view vertices are straight lines. Only the active track layout and its supports can be viewed in 3d.

Fewer Segments
This option would show fewer segments and supports in back and front of the selected segment.

Inactive Track Layouts (ITL)
Shows or hides all inactive track layouts.

This is all that I have thought about and thanks again for spending time on reading the ideas that I???ve explained.

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