gouldy - yup [:)] i'm certainly agreeing with you, and most texans do think america is the best, but the normal people in this country seem to be just as normal as everyone else in the world. however, when you put our government into the conversation you have a whole other story lol.. i like to think o fcountries as 2 seperate enteties: the government and the people. the government in this country thinks it's the best and likes to bomb brown people (quote from george carlin) and the people then are either stupid enough to be influenced by the government, or are normal. this also happens in every country i'd imagine. i really hope that was somewhat comical and made sence b/c i'm VERY tired atm lol.
and yes i've seen deliverance.. i had to watch it and study how to treat customers when i run into them in the middle of the woods. (former job..8 bucks an hour.. not bad [;)])