Here's the story;
I've been building a large scale wooden coaster for a couple of months now and somehow, idiotically, I never ever switched the improved friction on. So now, with it switched on, the train runs it's course, especially towards the end, much much faster than intended. Some of the air hills that were previously perfect in that they hit just on the green side of -1.5g each time in front and back seats, now hit -1.7 and -1.8. This is the same story for the corners, some that were a really nice 1.2-1.5g laterals are now hitting 1.8 lateral g's.
The coaster is massively supported, about 70% or so completed in terms of the supports, so now changing the track is going to be a real bastard.
The question, therefore, is; should I, or should I not bother to have improved friction on? At least with it off the ride will run as intended on NL for people who don't have NL1.6 and I won't have to spend a hell of a lot of time changing it all again. Does anyone else even bother using improved friction anyway?