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Indecisiveness about construction and feedback

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Posts: 2035
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Location: The Consortium
I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this.
I'm sure you all can relate, but the rides that I make often don't turn out exactly how I envision. They sound and look much better in my head and on paper, and sometimes I just try to replicate the awesome abstract feeling in NL without really being totally sure what I want to include. With steel coasters, it's easier to decide on a layout due to the greater diversity of elements.
I tried drawing layouts on paper to inspire me, and that works quite well, but sometimes I find myself erasing a bunch because even on paper I can't decide what I want the layout to be.
Also, I sometimes find it difficult to maintain that balance between keeping what I like about a ride and listening to feedback and suggestions about what elements people don't like, and maybe that's something I need to work on. It's my ride, after all, but at the same time, I feel that if I'm posting a topic, then what would be the point if I was just gonna make it how I want anyway? Other people should have a say, but the question is, how much?

Post October 5th, 2012, 9:04 pm

Posts: 2317
Points on hand: 4,657.00 Points
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Location: pennsylvania, USA
A lot of people lost inspiration after crazy realism became the common trend.It seems almost impossible to create something unique yet realistic at the same time. If you do need some inspiration though I suggest looking at the wires around your house.
What are these for?

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